concetto是什么意思 concetto的翻译、中文解释

  concetto是什么意思 concetto的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  词义:’concetto’ 是意大利语中的一个名词,意为“概念”、“观念”。在文学、艺术等领域中,’concetto’ 还可以指“用意深远,具有象征意义的艺术作品”、“含蓄深刻的文艺抒发方式”。






  1. 他的作品总是充满了神秘的 concetto 。

  2. 这个艺术家擅长创作有深刻内涵的 concetto 。

  3. 在这篇小说中,作者的 concetto 很清晰地传递了出来。


  1. His works are always full of mysterious concetto.

  2. This artist is good at creating concetto with profound connotation.

  3. In this novel, the author’s concetto is conveyed very clearly.

  4. He expressed his concetto through an abstract painting.

  5. This poet’s concetto is rich and varied.

  6. The concetto in this sculpture is very subtle.

  7. The film director used a lot of concetto to express his ideas.





  1. The artist used concetto to express the idea of human suffering in his painting.


  2. The poem’s concetto is about the fleeting nature of life and the inevitability of death.




  例句:Getting the Apache Wookie source is also a good way to view samples of W3C widget source code. (获取Apache wookie源代码也是查看W3C Widge t源代码的一种很好的方法。)

  1. One side, maybe, but not both. (翻译:but not both. not at once.)

  2. I washed, and, uh, I got to work… actually attempting to derive the tangential vector qualities of alpha C-squared… but while I was keeping “T” at infinity. (翻译:洗了个澡,然后开始工作… 也就是算出阿尔法C平方的正切矢量质量 同时要保持T是无限大)

  3. C.K. Dexter-Haven didn’t you once know a girl named Tracy Samantha Lord? (翻译:德克斯特?海文 你了解特蕾西?珊曼塔?罗德吗?)

  4. This is that once in a lifetime (翻译:#This is that once in a lifetime #)

  5. You’ll have a chest C.T. scan this afternoon that’ll help with the diagnosis. (翻译:今天下午我们会给你做一个C. T检查 这样可以帮助我们给你做诊断)

  6. Really all you have to know about it is that there’s four letters: A, T, C, G; they represent the name of a chemical. (翻译:你所需要知道的就是它具有4个字母 A,T,C,G,分别代表一种化学物质 )

  7. It’s composed of four subunits: A, C, G and T, we call them. (翻译:DNA有四个成分组成:A,C,G和T。)

  8. Kid, rememberto take it all at once (翻译:rememberto take it all at once)

  9. – Order a chest C.T. and start the sister on prednisone– 40 milligrams T.I.D. (翻译:-给修女做C. T的检查 然后开始给她用可的松 每天三次 -修女)

  10. It took place, once, in 326 B.C. (翻译:一次这样的冲突曾发生在公元前xx年,在一条名叫印度河的河岸边 )

  11. Our company mainly produces various specifications and greige cotton fabrics, T / C fabric. (翻译:我公司主要生产各种规格全棉面料及坯布、T/C坯布。)

  12. In a DNA nucleotide the nucleo base can be A, G, C or T, standing for the molecules adenine, guanine, cytosine or thymine; (翻译:DNA核苷酸里的碱基可能是腺嘌呤、鸟嘌呤、胞嘧啶或胸腺嘧啶,分别以A、G、C或T来表示。)

  13. But this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. (翻译:But this is a once -in -a)

  14. And,come on somebody had to put an end to T-Mose. (翻译:拜托 某人别再叫T -Mose了 不 T)

  15. Really all you have to know about it is that there’s four letters: A, T, C, G; they represent the name of a chemical. (翻译:你所需要知道的就是它具有4个字母 A,T,C,G,分别代表一种化学物质)

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