



与自己的能力,大学的要求,研究的项目大小,资金的到位情况,博士论文的质量,研究成果的多少和导师等很多因素有关系。自己能力低,可能会需要继续提高自己,而需要时间长;自己能力高,导师愿意让你多做些研究,出更多的成果,也常不让你按时毕业,从而也会多读一两年。弗吉尼亚大学(University of Virginia)对计算机工程博士是这样要求的:The CpE Program offers a Ph.D.degree,the primary focus of which is a dissertation describing publishable quality research(directed by a faculty advisor)of significant depth.The time limit for completion of the Ph.D.is seven years after admission to the doctoral program(计算机工程项目授予博士学位,博士生主要的研究就是在导师的指导下,写出一篇有相当深度的达到可发表程度的博士论文,完成博士学位的最长期限是7年)。

加州大学圣迭戈分校(University of California San Diego)一位教授是这样说的:There is not a set timeframe for graduation.However,we generally measure students by the depth and breadth of the body of knowledge that they create,and this is often assessed through publications.As a very rough guide,we generally consider three top-quality journal publications in a coherent topic to be about the right amount of material for a thesis.However,you must be able to tell a good story with this material.You will likely generate other papers,letters,conference presentations,etc.throughout this process,and you may work on other tangential topics along the way that you will write up as well.If you are doing good work,you may produce about one full journal paper each year.It typically takes students about 4-5 years to complete a Ph.D.or a little less if you already have an M.S.,but this depends strongly on your experience,abilities,and personal motivation(没有设定的毕业时间表,然而,我们会用学生所研究发展的知识面的深度和广度来评价他们,这也常用发表论文来评估。一般来说,完成一篇毕业论文,要在相关的领域发表三篇高质量的期刊论文才算合适,而且你应能够明白和解释清楚你发表的论文。你还可能写出其它的论文、文章和会议报告等。在此过程中,你也可以研究间接相关的题目并写出文章。


有的在读博士在4年头上导师就没有研究经费了,无法资助你了,而你也差不多够毕业资格了,也就让你提前毕业了,但这种机会不多。美国大学一般规定博士最多读7或8年,亚拉巴马大学伯明翰分校(University of Alabama Birmingham)对硕士和博士学习时间的规定是:Graduate students are generally expected to complete all degree requirements with 5 years of matriculation for master’s students and 7 years of matriculation for doctoral students.One extension of this time limit can be requested when mitigating circumstances preclude completion of requirements within 7 years.The recommendation for an extension should include a plan and timeline for completion.Such requests for doctoral students require the approval of the student’s dissertation committee and graduate program director and must be presented in writing to the dean of the Graduate School for consideration and approval.(一般期望硕士5年和博士7年完成全部学位要求。



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