scotia是什么意思 scotia的翻译、中文解释

  scotia是什么意思 scotia的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:One from the U.S., leaving Nova Scotia.



  scotia一般作为名词使用,如在East Scotia Basin([地名] 东斯科舍海盆 ( 大西洋 ))、Glen Scotia([地名] 格伦斯科舍 ( 英 ))、North Scotia Ridge([地名] 北斯科舍海岭 ( 大西洋 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

  East Scotia Basin[地名] 东斯科舍海盆 ( 大西洋 )Glen Scotia[地名] 格伦斯科舍 ( 英 )North Scotia Ridge[地名] 北斯科舍海岭 ( 大西洋 )Nova Scotia新斯科舍(加拿大省名)East Scotia Basin[地名] 东斯科舍海盆 ( 大西洋 )North Scotia Ridge[地名] 北斯科舍海岭 ( 大西洋 )Nova Scotia lox[网络] 新斯科舍省nova scotia loxes[网络] 新斯科舍省

  (nova scotia lox 的复数)1. On the map of nova scotia,


  2. 200 miles off the nova scotia mainland.


  3. Anyway, there was nothing for them to do in Nova Scotia.


  4. The bottom three are Juniesdad — 62-year-old male from Nova Scotia.

  翻译:排名垫底的三个人是Juniesdad… The bottom three are Juniesdad… – 一个在新科斯舍省的xx岁老头。

  5. This cliff in Nova Scotia is another kind of calendar.

  翻译:新斯科舍省的这个悬崖是另一种年历 This cliff in Nova Scotia is another kind of calendar.。

  6. A trip in 1972 To nova Scotia.

  翻译:在xx年. 地点是加拿大的新斯科舍。

  7. i was stationed in Nova Scotia. Well, i told you that.

  翻译:我以前驻扎在诺瓦斯科西亚省 这我刚才说过了。

  8. in September of ’72, Sasha met Starik in nova Scotia.

  翻译:在xx年的xx月 沙萨和斯达利克在新斯科舍见过面。

  9. i’m really sorry Mark couldn’t be here to meet you. He’s filming in Nova Scotia.

  翻译:很抱歉,Mark不能在这里见你, 他在Nova Scotia拍片。

  10. We’re coming up on Nova Scotia.


  11. Colleagues from the isle of Man last year actually tagged one shark that went from the isle of Man all the way out to Nova Scotia in about 90 days.

  翻译:去年有一些来自马恩岛的同事 标记了一条姥鲨 在90天内从马恩岛一路游到加拿大新斯科舍省。

  12. – Are we going to Nova Scotia? – You go with the trucks.

  翻译:裔 莽???衒趾 ?碆 蓙????贲桒 ??衒 聚 ?瞒??苌?。

  13. Nova Scotia. No, i won’t have to turn back here. it’s as clear as the sun.

  翻译:诺瓦苏克提亚 飞到这里,就别想回去了。

  14. And this was an animal that was struck by a ship in Nova Scotia, Canada being towed in, where they did a necropsy to confirm the cause of death, which was indeed a ship strike.

  翻译:这只被拖回的动物,是在加拿大新斯科舍省 被船击中的, 在那儿他们为它做了一次尸检 来确认死因, 尸检证明确实是被船击中。

  15. – it was Nova Scotia on Wednesday.


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