raff是什么意思 raff的翻译、中文解释

  raff是什么意思 raff的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:Even my nightwalkers, the riff-raff.

  翻译:就连我的夜行者 这些混混。



  例句:Big Pat’s here to keep riff-raff out.

  翻译:大帕特负责把那些小赶出去 {cH00F8FB4cHFFFFFFfs11b1}Big Pat’s here to keep riff -raff out.。



  例句:You think because you’re better than the average riff-raff that gives you the right to do things your own way?

  翻译:可以说”干得好’ 因为你认为你比一般的要厉害些 给了你权力让你为所欲为吗。



  例句:Mr. Above it All down here trying to sniff out that $5 million just like the rest of us riff-raff.

  翻译:清高小子闻到那五百万的气味 也跟到这儿来了 就像其他的一样 看 你比我也好不到哪去 Scofield。


  raff一般作为名词使用,如在discard raffinate(废弃残液)、extraction raffinate([化] 萃余液)、family Rafflesiaceae([网络] 大花草科)等常见短语中出现较多。

  discard raffinate废弃残液extraction raffinate[化] 萃余液family Rafflesiaceae[网络] 大花草科family rafflesiaceaes[网络] 大花草科

  (family rafflesiaceae 的复数)Raff Seamounts[地名] 拉夫海山 ( 太平洋 )raff wheel转轮提斗机1. You think because you’re better than the average riff-raff that gives you the right to do things your own way?

  翻译:可以说”干得好’ 因为你认为你比一般的要厉害些 给了你权力让你为所欲为吗。

  2. Mr. Above it All down here trying to sniff out that $5 million just like the rest of us riff-raff.

  翻译:清高小子闻到那五百万的气味 也跟到这儿来了 就像其他的一样 看 你比我也好不到哪去 Scofield。

  3. i’ve strict orders to get you out of here and before the riff-raff come.


  4. – What i do with Raff is not your business. – My point exactly.

  翻译:我和瑞夫的事, 与你无关。

  5. Conversing with the riff-raff.


  6. – i’m kicking that riff-raff out.

  翻译:- 我就把这些踢出去 – 很好 – I’m kicking that riff。

  7. Please fill in all these holes and relocate the riff-raff.

  翻译:把坑填填 改改水道就行了。

  8. Leslie, these are standard rules devised to keep out criminals, illegal fugitives, and other riff-raff.

  翻译:莱斯里,设置这些规则就是为了 不让罪犯、非法逃亡者 还有其他乌合之众入境。

  9. All the riff-raff and the spongers dealt with and gargantuan quantities of tuck to be gobbled.

  翻译:所有那些乌合之众和 寄生虫们全部处理了 还有肥嘟嘟的火鸡等著我来享用。

  10. Raff, i was cold he lent it to me.

  翻译:瑞夫,我觉得冷, 然后他借我穿的。

  11. See Raff, we’re part of this jacket smuggling ring, but if you’re quiet enough i swear there’s a fleece in it somewhere for you.

  翻译:瑞夫你知道嘛,其实我俩是 夹克强盗集团 的 但是如果你保持安静,我可以帮你搞到一件 …。

  12. Me too! With Raff and Brooke and Travis!


  13. i want to meet over in Fiori’s, have to be raff.

  翻译:我们今晚在Fiori见面 这很重要。

  14. it’s Keith keeps me busy and not were get at all upset about Raff.

  翻译:凯斯继续来烦我, 我就不会被瑞夫 搞的意乱情迷。

  15. Because sentimentality plays on the riff-raff’s feelings.



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