microalgae是什么意思 microalgae的翻译、中文解释

  microalgae是什么意思 microalgae的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:it’s covered with dew, so this microalgae learned that in order to carry photosynthesis in the coast of the driest desert on Earth, they could use the spiderwebs.

  翻译:上面沾着露水, 所以这种微藻学会了 要想在这个 地球上最干燥的沙漠的边缘 进行光合作用, 它可以利用蜘蛛网。



  1. Microalgae make the omega-3s, they’re only bioconcentrated in fish.

  翻译:ω-3不饱和脂肪酸是藻类制造的, 只是在鱼类体内进行生物富集。

  2. Half of the air we breathe comes from these microalgae.


  3. in this place, we reported a new type of microalgae that grew only on top of the spiderwebs that covered the cave entrance.

  翻译:在这里,我们发现了一种新的微藻, 它只生长在布满了 洞穴入口的蜘蛛网上。

  4. All these microalgae consume carbon and produce, in return, oxygen.


  5. Some microalgae resemble distant galaxies.


  6. They require no forage fish, they actually get their omega-3s by filtering the water of microalgae.

  翻译:它们也不用吃鱼, 它们实际上可以过滤水中的藻类 得到自己的ω-3不饱和脂肪酸。

  7. That is to say, microalgae contributes between 2,000 and 5,000 gallons per acre per year, compared to the 50 gallons per acre per year from soy.

  翻译:也就是说,每年每英亩面积的海藻能贡献 2000至5000加仑生物燃料 大豆只产50加仑,(和它相比简直是微不足道)。

  8. in another cave, we found a different type of microalgae.

  翻译:在另一个洞穴中, 我们发现了一种不同的微藻。

  9. Those small organisms have been around for millions of years and there’s thousands of different species of microalgae in the world, some of which are the fastest-growing plants on the planet, and produce, as i just showed you, lots and lots of oil.

  翻译:那些微藻已经在地球上存在几百万年了 而且世界上有上千种 不同种类的微藻 有一些是地球上生长速度最快的植物 它们生产,正如我刚才给大家看的,大量的油。

  10. Why are we talking about microalgae?


  11. But in all cases, the water that’s released is perfectly adequate for growing microalgae.

  翻译:但是不管是哪种情况,排放的污水 都完全足够微藻生长。


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