例句:We suffer in the midterms and the next Congress dismantles the agreement.
翻译:中期选举我们倒霉 下一届国会再反悔。
例句:i’ve come about that D you gave Roy at midterms.
例句:? Bombs over Baghdad These are our midterms? ?
翻译:[Bombs over Baghdad] [城集] 硂琌и戳いσΘ罿。
1. ? Bombs over Baghdad These are our midterms? ?
翻译:[Bombs over Baghdad] [城集] 硂琌и戳いσΘ罿。
2. She agreed to stop the attack if we give her our support for majority leader after the midterms, but once Raymond gave his testimony, she called to say the deal was off.
翻译:如果我们答应在中期选举 对她的位置提供支持 她就会停止攻击 但在Raymond的证词之后 她就打来说 交易取消了。
3. i’m a little nervous, because midterms are in 3 weeks.
翻译:因为期中考试 是在3周。妈妈: 嗯。
4. i mean, it’s not as if you failed your midterms.
翻译:我的意思是,这不是好像 你没有你的期中考试。嗨,亲爱的。
5. Well, i don’t know how well i did on my midterms.
翻译:嗯,我不知道有多好 我做了我的期中考试。
6. Probably especially during midterms.
翻译:是的大概尤其是在 期中考试期间。
7. Miss Barrett, you said we could turn in extra-credit book reports, and due to midterms and horsing around, i need that “E” credit.
翻译:巴雷特, 你说我们可以交读书报告作为额外的学分 因为期中考试和通读校样, 我需要”E”学分。
8. And the trial should wrap up right before the midterms.
9. That’s a midterms year, Jonah.
翻译:那年是中期选举 Jonah That’s a midterms year, Jonah.。
10. – Yeah. He’s, well, not well. He’s been under a lot of stress with midterms starting.
11. – i mean, i’ve had midterms. – i’ve been stress eating a little bit. – A little bit?
翻译:因为考试的压力 我吃得比较少了。
12. it’s not as if Professor Whistler doesn’t have a stack of abysmal midterms to grade.
翻译:惠斯勒教授也有 一堆期中作业要批。
13. it was during the week of the midterms so we were doing other things, but the idea that Obama spent $200 million a day on a trip to india is still in the water supply.
翻译:当时正值年中 我们忙于其它报道 谣言称印度之行 每日花费高达两亿 现在还有人在传。
14. Did you take the midterms over?
15. The first topic will be the Congressional agenda for the fall session, then we’ll move on to the midterms, then we’ll wrap it up with Peter Russo’s race for governor and his Watershed Bill.
翻译:- 没问题 第一个话题是国会在秋季的计划 然后是中期选举。