painstaking是什么意思 painstaking的翻译、中文解释

  painstaking是什么意思 painstaking的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:But we’re cautioned that progress would probably be slow and painstaking.

  翻译:但提醒大家进展 将是缓慢而艰难的。



  例句:The thing that amazed me is the painstaking detail with which he has written every hospital he has been to, every treatment he got, every near-miss he had, and how accidentally he stumbled upon innovations.

  翻译:最令我惊讶的是 书中的那些细节 他记录下 去过的每一家医院 做过的每一个治疗 每一个功败垂成的结果 以及他无意中发现的创新。



  例句:i called it “Serious Nonsense” because on the serious side, i use a technique of painstaking realism of editorial ilration from when i was a kid. i copied it and i never unlearned it — it’s the only style i know. And it’s very kind of staid and formal.

  翻译:我叫它“严肃的胡说”,因为从严肃的一面来说, 我用一种细致的现实主义手法进行社论式地描绘 是我还小的时候学的,我反复使用它,从没放弃过。这是我知道的唯一一种画风。它是很保守很正统的。



  例句:After several years of painstaking research,



  painstaking一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在painstaking effort(苦功;心血)等常见短语中出现较多。

  painstaking effort苦功;心血1. i called it “Serious Nonsense” because on the serious side, i use a technique of painstaking realism of editorial ilration from when i was a kid. i copied it and i never unlearned it — it’s the only style i know. And it’s very kind of staid and formal.

  翻译:我叫它“严肃的胡说”,因为从严肃的一面来说, 我用一种细致的现实主义手法进行社论式地描绘 是我还小的时候学的,我反复使用它,从没放弃过。这是我知道的唯一一种画风。它是很保守很正统的。

  2. After several years of painstaking research,


  3. i said, my son, this house is your dad’s painstaking efforts

  翻译:我说儿子 这个宅子啊 可是你爹多少年的心血。

  4. Painstaking sifting and searching… until O’Brien began to wonder if the trail were cold… or too faint to follow.

  翻译:艰难的筛选和搜寻… 直到奥布莱恩开始怀疑是不是已经没有希望了… 或者希望太渺茫以至于无迹可寻。

  5. And they did this by painstaking observations of numerous distant galaxies, allowing them to chart how the expansion rate has changed over time.

  翻译:他们辛勤地 观察了 为数众多的遥远星系, 并据此画出了 膨胀率随时间变化的图表。

  6. i called it “Serious Nonsense” because on the serious side, i use a technique of painstaking realism of editorial ilration from when i was a kid. i copied it and i never unlearned it — it’s the only style i know. And it’s very kind of staid and formal.

  翻译:我叫它“严肃的胡说”,因为从严肃的一面来说, 我用一种细致的现实主义手法进行社论式地描绘 是我还小的时候学的,我反复使用它,从没放弃过。这是我知道的唯一一种画风。它是很保守很正统的。

  7. “i dare you to try to conceive of the painstaking care


  8. This is a painstaking recreation of an image from Friedrich Thelen’s Die Welt der Flagellanten.


  9. Obsessive, arrogant, painstaking, uh, secretive, self-righteous.

  翻译:难以释怀 骄傲自负 小心专注 情感不外露 自以为正直。

  10. it’s very painstaking work, but the best things come in small packages.

  翻译:这是一项非常辛苦细致的工作, 但是快乐就在这一点一滴中积累起来。

  11. After these very long, painstaking operations, attempting to cure things they’d never been able to touch before, the patients died.

  翻译:医生经过长时间辛勤的手术, 企图去治愈他们过去从未接触到的病症, 但最后病人死了。

  12. meanwhi/e, the painstaking search continues… Look at this.

  翻译:看看吧 {cHFFFFFF}{3cH111111}{4cH111111}Look at this.。

  13. The thing that amazed me is the painstaking detail with which he has written every hospital he has been to, every treatment he got, every near-miss he had, and how accidentally he stumbled upon innovations.

  翻译:最令我惊讶的是 书中的那些细节 他记录下 去过的每一家医院 做过的每一个治疗 每一个功败垂成的结果 以及他无意中发现的创新。

  14. Machine learning is different than traditional programming, where you give the computer detailed, exact, painstaking instructions.

  翻译:机器学习不像传统程序一样, 需要给计算机详细、 准确的逐条指令。

  15. A painstaking search of the track grounds is being conducted…


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