hermia是什么意思 hermia的翻译、中文解释

  hermia是什么意思 hermia的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:Full of vexation come i, with complaint against my child, my daughter Hermia.

  翻译:-仙王奥比隆) 卡莉丝塔·佛拉克哈特 (饰 -海伦娜,苦恋狄米崔)。



  例句:For you, fair Hermia, look you arm yourself to fit your fancies to your father’s will.

  翻译:因为她是我的女儿 我有权随意处置她 也就是…。


  hermia一般作为名词使用,如在Drew’s hypothermia apparatus(德鲁低温装置)、hypothermia therapy([临床] 低温疗法)、simplified hypothermia unit(简式低温仪)等常见短语中出现较多。

  Drew’s hypothermia apparatus德鲁低温装置hypothermia therapy[临床] 低温疗法simplified hypothermia unit简式低温仪1. You have her father’s love, Demetrius. Let me have Hermia’s.

  翻译:服装设计 加布瑞拉·派斯古奇。

  2. Thou toldst me they were stolen unto this wood, and here am i, and wode within this wood, because i cannot meet my Hermia!

  翻译:好,你走吧 在你离开森林前 我要你为这些无礼吃点苦头。

  3. Whereas Hermia, to be happy, need only breathe.


  4. Hermia! Fare well, sweet play fellow.

  翻译:从我过去读到的一切书籍中, 或我听过的所有故事与史实里。

  5. Therefore hear me, Hermia.

  翻译:这情况下降在我身上 最坏的命运为何 要么接受死刑 要么永远和男士断绝往来。

  6. And therefore, fair Hermia, question your desires, know of your youth, examine well your blood, whether, if you yield not to your father’s choice, you can endure the livery of a nun,

  翻译:将会照映着我们 庄严的婚礼之夜 愿您幸福,希西阿斯 威名远播的公爵大人 谢谢,良善的伊吉斯 你有什么事吗。

  7. The play opens with young Hermia raging at her father Egeus and Theseus, the King of Athens, who have forbidden her to marry her lover Lysander.

  翻译:戏剧一开场,年轻的赫米娅 因为父亲伊吉斯和雅典大公忒修斯 阻挠她嫁给心上人拉山德而大发雷霆。

  8. Hermia has no interest in her father’s choice for her of Demetrius – but her best friend Helena definitely does.

  翻译:赫米娅对父亲选定的 狄米特律斯毫无兴趣—— 但她最好的朋友海伦娜却钟情于他。

  9. Good Hermia, do not be so bitter with me.


  10. Hermia, sleeps thou there, and never mayst thou come Lysander near.

  翻译:绝非因泪水的助力- 若是, 我的双眼更常受泪水洗涤。

  11. Furious at their elders, Hermia and Lysander elope under cover of darkness, with Demetrius in hot pursuit.

  翻译:由于对长辈不满, 赫米娅和拉山德趁着夜色私奔, 狄米特律斯也紧追过来。

  12. For lying so, Hermia, i do not lie. Lysander riddles very prettily.

  翻译:凡第一个出现在你眼前的, 你醒来那刻所见,就是你的情人。

  13. Bring her down the stage and stop, and, “There, gentle Hermia.” Try again.

  翻译:把她带到舞台前 站定,说: 美丽温柔的赫米亚。

  14. i will go tell him of fair Hermia’s flight.


  15. i thought you lord of more true gentleness. She sees not Hermia.

  翻译:为何她的双眼 如此明亮。


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