gainfully是什么意思 gainfully的翻译、中文解释

  gainfully是什么意思 gainfully的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:if war does break out, they’ll be the only ones gainfully employed.

  翻译:假如战争真的爆发 他们是唯一能赚钱的人。



  例句:Will they be gainfully employed?”



  gainfully一般作为名词使用,如在gainfully employed(有酬雇用)、gainfully occupied population([法] 有报酬职业人口)等常见短语中出现较多。

  gainfully employed有酬雇用gainfully occupied population[法] 有报酬职业人口1. One moment, leaping from a hotel window, the next gainfully employed by one of the world’s greatest living composers.

  翻译:前一刻,还仓皇从旅馆的窗户跳下,下一刻 却已高薪受雇于仍在世的最伟大的作曲家之一。

  2. Glad to keep you gainfully employed, detective.

  翻译:真高兴能让你有口饭吃 警探先生 Glad to keep you gainfully employed, detective.。

  3. and a son-in-law gainfully employed, and very often, out of town on business.

  翻译:和一个有钱的女婿, 他经常出差.。

  4. That means sane, sober and gainfully employed.

  翻译:他到时候必须理智,清醒 做有收入的工作。

  5. You got a 44-year-old, gainfully employed black woman falsely accused— Falsely accused?


  6. We love each other, we trust each other, we’re responsible, gainfully employed, and totally not attracted to each other physically.

  翻译:我们都喜欢彼此 信任彼此 我们有责任心 有收入 而且完全不为对方所吸引。

  7. Every single boy and girl in our house, without exception is gainfully employed.

  翻译:房子里每个男孩和女孩,没有例外 都是领薪受雇的。

  8. Well, the hours you keep seem less that of a woman gainfully employed as a telephone operator and more that of one who frequents taxi dance halls.

  翻译:这段时间里 你看起来 Well, the hours you keep seem less that 一点也不像个安心就业的接线员 of a woman gainfully employed as a telephone operator 倒像个常逛带伴舞厅的 and more that of one who frequents taxi dance halls.。

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