例句:i was at the Guggenheim this afternoon.
guggenheim一般作为名词使用,如在Meyer Guggenheim([网络] 带著xx岁的儿子梅耶)、meyer guggenheims([网络] 带著xx岁的儿子梅耶
(meyer guggenheim 的复数))、Solomon Guggenheim([网络] 古根汉)等常见短语中出现较多。
Meyer Guggenheim[网络] 带著xx岁的儿子梅耶meyer guggenheims[网络] 带著xx岁的儿子梅耶
(meyer guggenheim 的复数)Solomon Guggenheim[网络] 古根汉solomon guggenheims[网络] 古根汉
(solomon guggenheim 的复数)Guggenheim Collection[网络] 古根海姆藏品展;古根汉真藏品;古真海姆作品选展Guggenheim fellowship古根海姆研究基金(由古根海姆纪念基金会提供给作家、艺术家、学者的研究基金)Guggenheim Museum古根海姆博物馆(位于美国纽约,提倡现代化艺术的博物馆)Guggenheim process古干海姆法1. Dr. Guggenheim had a stroke.
2. This is but one: this is Frank Gehry the architect’s precursor to the Guggenheim in Abu Dhabi.
翻译:举一个例子: 这是建筑师法兰克·盖瑞(Frank Gehry)完成阿布扎比的古根海姆美术馆的雏形。
3. As a matter of fact, one of the most fun things i’ve ever, ever done in my whole life, was this Christmas season at the Guggenheim in New York.
翻译:事实上,最好笑的一件事, 我曾经,曾经在我整个生命里做过的, 是在圣诞节期间在纽约的古根海姆。
4. in 1996, i was commissioned by the Guggenheim Museum to execute a large body of work called “Uses of Evidence.”
翻译:1996 年, 我接受 古根海姆博物馆的委任, 制作一个叫做 “证据的使用”的大型作品。
5. And so right afterwards, i met backstage with Al, and with Lawrence Bender, who was there, and Laurie David, and Davis Guggenheim, who was running documentaries for Partint at the time.
翻译:当时我赶紧去后台找到戈尔先生 当时在场的还有劳伦斯·班德,劳里·大卫, 和戴维斯·古根海姆, 戴维斯当时就在Partint执导纪录片。
6. One of those foundations is having a benefit at the Guggenheim Saay.
翻译:其中一个基金会 星期六在古根海姆有活动.。
7. This is but one: this is Frank Gehry the architect’s precursor to the Guggenheim in Abu Dhabi.
翻译:举一个例子: 这是建筑师法兰克·盖瑞完成阿布扎比的古根海姆美术馆的雏形。
8. These are for you, Mr. Guggenheim.
9. But imagine this accessibility for a kid in Bombay who’s studying architecture, who hasn’t had a chance to go to The Guggenheim as yet.
翻译:但是想想一个在孟买 学习建筑的孩子 没有去古根海姆博物馆 的机会。
10. i need to be at the Guggenheim. This has to end now.
翻译:我得去古根海姆 我们结束了。
11. As a matter of fact, one of the most fun things i’ve ever done in my whole life was this Christmas season at the Guggenheim in New York.
翻译:事实上,最好笑的一件事, 我曾经,曾经在我整个生命里做过的, 是在圣诞节期间在纽约的古根海姆。
12. Perhaps it might be a nice morning to do something educational with Grayer, like the Pissarro show at the Guggenheim.
翻译:这可能是个教育Grover的 一个美好的早晨 就像Guggenheim的Pissarro展。
13. Benjamin Guggenheim and his mistress, Madame Aubert.
14. What about Slim Keith? That Guggenheim girl?
15. LASSETER: i remember Bonnie Arnold, the producer, and Ralph Guggenheim, the producer, came around and they said…
翻译:我记得制作人邦尼?亚诺 跟制作人拉夫?哈金汉跑来跟我说。