gizmos是什么意思 gizmos的翻译、中文解释

  gizmos是什么意思 gizmos的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:There’s no high-tech gizmos here, just biology revealed through biology.

  翻译:这里面没有安置高科技的小玩意儿 只有用生物学揭示出的生物学。



  例句:i got two Russians who both reportedly died in Finow only to show up alive here, looking for Stark’s gizmos.

  翻译:有两个战报上写着死于菲诺战役的俄罗斯人 I got two Russians who both reportedly died in Finow 在这里死而复生 要找斯塔克的发明 only to show up alive here, looking for Stark’s gizmos.。



  例句:So, what do these gizmos do then?

  翻译:那 这些小东西是干啥的。



  1. So, what do these gizmos do then?

  翻译:那 这些小东西是干啥的。

  2. i’ve got gadgets and gizmos aplenty

  翻译:挑动我的神经 今天大伙儿多开心 我们要团聚一起。

  3. Gizmos for my dad’s movie.


  4. There’s no high-tech gizmos here, just biology revealed through biology.

  翻译:这里面没有安置高科技的小玩意儿 只有用生物学揭示出的生物学。

  5. But since these guys started showing up all the little gizmos inside turned on.


  6. i figured out your complicated gizmos, that’s how.

  翻译:没什么,不过是搞懂了 你们的复杂装置。

  7. i get to comb my hair with a fork, play with gadgets and gizmos aplenty.


  8. And we have dumaflages and gizmos and contraptions that will do anything that we, up to that point, had to do my hand.

  翻译:然后我们有了各种各样的东西 可以做任何事情 那些我们,直到那个时候, 需要自己动手做的东西。

  9. Americans have been bought off in silence by toys and gizmos, and no one learns to question things.

  翻译:美国人都被那些新奇的小发明收买了 没人再去质疑。

  10. Gary works all the gizmos and bleep-bloops here in the nerd factory.


  11. Capable of being driven by Bond via his mobile phone, the 7 series unleashes its many gizmos during an explosive chase in a car park.

  翻译:可由邦德用手机远程驾驶 这辆7系在停车场的爆炸飙车战中大放异彩。

  12. And we have dumaflaches and gizmos and contraptions that will do anything that we, up to that point, had to do by hand.

  翻译:然后我们有了各种各样的东西 可以做任何事情 那些我们,直到那个时候, 需要自己动手做的东西。

  13. Good to see the gizmos being put to use and so on, but it’s a coincidence.

  翻译:很高兴看到仪器派上用场 但这只是凑巧。

  14. Anthony Atala’s state-of-the-art lab grows human organs — from muscles to blood vessels to bladders, and more. At TEDMED, he shows footage of his bio-engineers working with some of its sci-fi gizmos, including an oven-like bioreactor and a machine that “prints” human tissue.


  15. – He’s a tinkerer- uh, little inventions, gizmos.

  翻译:- 他是一个工匠。


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