hegemony的意思是‘霸权 、霸权’,在日常中也代表’拥有支配权的’的意思,在线发音:[hig’em?ni],hegemony在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到42个与hegemony相关的释义和例句。
例句:Please take action and fight against the real estate hegemony!
例句:The hegemony can be shared, brilliant!
翻译:世界霸权是可以分享的 太有才了。
例句:That theme of sharing the hegemony is perfect.
例句:He will picture the whole war as a useless blood-letting which should be stopped at once by a “sharing of the hegemony,”
翻译:他会把战争描述为一场无谓的流血事件 应该以一种”分享霸权” 的方式立刻结束。
hegemony一般作为名词使用,如在discursive hegemony(论述霸权;话语霸权)、legal hegemony([法] 法律优势)、maritime hegemony(海上霸权)等常见短语中出现较多。
discursive hegemony论述霸权;话语霸权legal hegemony[法] 法律优势maritime hegemony海上霸权never seek hegemony永不称霸hegemony of technology技术霸权1. That theme of sharing the hegemony is perfect.
2. He will picture the whole war as a useless blood-letting which should be stopped at once by a “sharing of the hegemony,”
翻译:他会把战争描述为一场无谓的流血事件 应该以一种”分享霸权” 的方式立刻结束。
3. i think what Julian means is that we want to make a kind of protected area where kindred spirits can meet and discuss US hegemony and America’s influence on the world.
翻译:如果他们没成功 2个月后我们就去 如果我们没成功 再过两个月 就是阿波罗13号在xx月去.。
4. And sure enough, nationally, small local groups — they were called Democratic-Republican Societies — began to form and protest against Federalist-dominated hegemony.
翻译:当然,在全国, 被称为“共和团”的地方团体 开始联合联邦党强势的霸权。
5. My guess is that we’re reaching the beginning of the end of 400 years — i say 400 years because it’s the end of the Ottoman Empire — of the hegemony of Western power, Western institutions and Western values.
翻译:我估计 我们已到达 400 年兴盛的末落之门 我说 400 年,因为它是代表西方霸权主义 西方制度和西方价值的 鄂图曼帝国的结束。
6. Likewise the cold war and the collapse of the Soviet Union was in reality a way to preserve and perpetuate the established economic and global hegemony of the United States.
翻译:同样的,冷战以及苏联政权的崩溃 实际上就是维系并巩固 现存的经济体制与美国的全球霸权。
7. He uses his own power to fight against the real estate hegemony
8. This war is about who rules next, who fixes the currencies, who dominates the markets, who seizes the hegemony which the British empire has lost.
翻译:这场战争是为了决定将来谁来统治世界 谁来确定流通,谁来支配市场 谁来接手英帝国失落的霸权。
9. Even the printing press, even the printing press was umed to be a tool that was going to enforce Catholic intellectual hegemony across Europe.
翻译:甚至还有印刷机 被视为促使教知识霸权 散布到欧洲的工具。
10. My guess is that we’re reaching the beginning of the end of 400 years — i say 400 years because it’s the end of the Ottoman Empire — of the hegemony of Western power, Western institutions and Western values.
翻译:我估计 我们已到达 400 年兴盛的末落之门 我说 400 年,因为它是代表西方霸权主义 西方制度和西方价值的 鄂图曼帝国的结束。
11. i told you, HK has property hegemony
12. We’ve seen the first form of solar energy that’s beat the hegemony of fossil fuels in the form of wind here in the Great Plains, and so that hegemony is leaving.
翻译:我们已看到太阳能首先以风的形式 在在北美大平原区打败了石化燃料的统治, 因此石化业者逐渐退出市场。
13. We’ve seen the first form of solar energy that’s beat the hegemony of fossil fuels in the form of wind here in the Great Plains, and so that hegemony is leaving.
翻译:我们已看到太阳能首先以风的形式 在在北美大平原区打败了石化燃料的统治, 因此石化业者逐渐退出市场。
14. if you’d accompany our in… you’ll prevent Qin hegemony.
翻译:便可名垂青史,以免秦国一统天下 一统了好。
15. The dinosaurs would reign for another 12 million years before their hegemony was snuffed out in a fiery apocalypse.
翻译:恐龙会统治另一个1200万年 直到他们在地球大灾难中灭绝。