例句:Everyone was overjoyed that the war was over… and yet ignatz felt that a great time had ped… because the liberal empire that had given him so much had collapsed.
翻译:大家都为战争结束欣喜若狂 伊格纳茨 的光荣岁月已不再 他尽心尽力效劳的帝国崩溃了。
例句:- Tell that to his victims. My God, ignatz, you are selling your soul.
翻译:去和受苦的人说吧 你出卖了你的灵魂。
例句:My great uncle Gustave and ignatz, my grandfather.
翻译:古斯塔夫 和我祖父 伊格纳茨。
1. My great uncle Gustave and ignatz, my grandfather.
翻译:古斯塔夫 和我祖父 伊格纳茨。
2. She was allowed to visit ignatz in his room once each day.
翻译:她准许见伊格纳茨 一天一次。
3. My grandmother Valerie was raised… as if she were ignatz and Gustave’s sister.
翻译:我祖母瓦列莉作为伊格纳茨和 古斯塔夫的妹妹长大。
4. “Want” is not a word for us, ignatz.
5. You and ignatz kissing in the museum garden yesterday,
6. Tony, ignatz is responsible for those Normandy chateaux up on Tisch Drive.
翻译:东尼,提许大道上那些诺曼第式城堡 就是伊涅兹负责盖的。
7. Honorable Minister, may i introduce Dr. ignatz Sors.
翻译:部长大人, 允许我介绍 伊格纳茨 -朔施 博士。
8. ignatz was called to Vienna to appear before the Emperor.
翻译:伊格纳茨 被派去维也纳。
9. That very night ignatz received a telegram from Valerie.
10. ignatz decided to study law, Gustave, medicine.
翻译:伊格纳茨决定学习法律 古斯塔夫则是医学。
11. ignatz threw himself into his studies, but lay awake each night dreaming only of Valerie.
翻译:他全身心地投入学业 但夜里醒来,想到的只有瓦列莉。
12. it occurred to ignatz that the empire… and his marriage to Valerie fell apart in much the same way.
翻译:伊格纳茨与瓦列莉的婚姻 也像帝国一样瓦解了。
13. ignatz was stationed as the judge on the Balkan front… where he handed down strict sentences.
翻译:伊格纳茨 在巴尔干前线 做出了很多严厉的判决。
14. My grandfather, ignatz Sors, died within the year.
翻译:我祖父 伊格纳茨 -朔施 当年就死了。
15. Major ignatz Sors reporting, Your Majesty.
翻译:伊格纳茨 -朔施 少校 陛下。