genitalium是什么意思 genitalium的翻译、中文解释

  genitalium是什么意思 genitalium的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:Our first thought about synthetic genomics came when we sequenced the second genome back in 1995, and that from mycoplasma genitalium.

  翻译:有关合成基因组的想法 是在xx年我们对第二个基因组 即道支原体测序的时候想到的。


  例句:This company, Synthetic Genomics, i’m involved with, created the first full synthetic genome for a little bug, a very primitive creature called Mycoplasma genitalium.

  翻译:我所在的公司Synthetic Genomics(合成基因组) 为一个小虫子造出了第一个人造全基因组 这个小虫子是一个非常原始的生物体,叫做道支原体。


  genitalium一般作为名词使用,如在klebsiella genitalium(克留氏道杆菌)、mycoplasma genitalium(器霉浆菌)、pruritus genitalium(瘙痒症)等常见短语中出现较多。

  klebsiella genitalium克留氏道杆菌mycoplasma genitalium器霉浆菌pruritus genitalium瘙痒症1. Our first thought about synthetic genomics came when we sequenced the second genome back in 1995, and that from mycoplasma genitalium.

  翻译:有关合成基因组的想法 是在xx年我们对第二个基因组 即道支原体测序的时候想到的。

  2. We did Haemophilus influenzae and then the smallest genome of a self-replicating organism, that of Mycoplasma genitalium.

  翻译:我们对Haemophilus流行感冒病毒做实验 然后是自我复制组织的最小的染色体, 这些染色体来自支原体。

  3. And we have really nice T-shirts that say, you know, “i heart my genitalium.”

  翻译:我们还制作了相当不错的T恤 写着,“我爱惜我的器”。

  4. This company, Synthetic Genomics, i’m involved with, created the first full synthetic genome for a little bug, a very primitive creature called Mycoplasma genitalium.

  翻译:我所在的公司Synthetic Genomics 为一个小虫子造出了第一个人造全基因组 这个小虫子是一个非常原始的生物体,叫做道支原体。

  5. Because of the problems with Mycoplasma genitalium and its slow growth about a year and a half ago, we decided to synthesize the much larger chromosome, the mycoides chromosome, knowing that we had the biology worked out on that for transplantation.

  翻译:因为 类菌质体问题以及它过慢的生长 大约在xx年半以前 我们决定合成 更大的染色体,mycoides染色体 我们在生物学方面对 这样的移植做了足够的准备。

  6. This is the map of a small organism, Mycoplasma genitalium, that has the smallest genome for a species that can self-replicate in the laboratory, and we’ve been trying to just see if we can come up with an even smaller genome.

  翻译:这是一种微生物的基因序列图, 支原体, 它有着对于一个物种来说最小的基因组 能使其在实验室中自我复制。并且我们在尝试了解是否 我们能找到一种更小的基因组。

  7. Because of the problems with Mycoplasma genitalium and its slow growth about a year and a half ago, we decided to synthesize the much larger chromosome, the mycoides chromosome, knowing that we had the biology worked out on that for transplantation.

  翻译:因为 类菌质体问题以及它过慢的生长 大约在xx年半以前 我们决定合成 更大的染色体,mycoides染色体 我们在生物学方面对 这样的移植做了足够的准备。

  8. And we have really nice T-shirts that say, you know, “i heart my genitalium.”

  翻译:我们还制作了相当不错的T恤 写着,“我爱惜我的器”。

  9. in 2008, we reported the complete synthesis of the Mycoplasma genitalium genome, a little over 500,000 letters of genetic code, but we have not yet succeeded in booting up that chromosome.

  翻译:在xx年 我们公布了完整的人工合成 类菌质体基因组 略多于五十万对的密码子 但是我没还没有成功的启动这个染色体。

  10. in 2008, we reported the complete synthesis of the Mycoplasma genitalium genome, a little over 500,000 letters of genetic code, but we have not yet succeeded in booting up that chromosome.

  翻译:在xx年 我们公布了完整的人工合成 类菌质体基因组 略多于五十万对的密码子 但是我没还没有成功的启动这个染色体。

  11. We did Haemophilus influenzae and then the smallest genome of a self-replicating organism, that of Mycoplasma genitalium.

  翻译:我们对Haemophilus流行感冒病毒做实验 然后是自我复制组织的最小的染色体, 这些染色体来自支原体。


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