civics是什么意思 civics的翻译、中文解释

  civics是什么意思 civics的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:This is why it is so important in our time right now to reimagine civics as the teaching of power.

  翻译:这就是为什么,以权力的教育来理解公民教育 是如此得重要,如此得迫在眉睫。


  civics一般作为名词使用,如在economic civics(公民经济学)等常见短语中出现较多。

  economic civics公民经济学1. The whole time we were in Civics together…


  2. – Do you have civics today?


  3. This is civics cl in action!


  4. The creepy guy who sat behind me in civics reading Guns Camouflage or whatever.


  5. – Grace gave it to the civics teacher.


  6. i’m a teacher and a practitioner of civics in America.

  翻译:我在美国进行公民教育, 也是公民教育的践行者。

  7. Three Honda Civics, precision driving… the same green neon glow from under the chis.

  翻译:precision driving… {
fnArialfs161cHFF8080} {fnArialfs161cHFF8080}车身底盘有绿色霓虹灯 {fnSegoe Printfs141cH00FF00}the same green neon glow from under the chis.。

  8. i had read civics books that told me about the ideals of American democracy.

  翻译:我阅读了公民教育手册, 其中提到 美国的理念。

  9. No time for a lesson in civics, my boy.

  翻译:没时间进行公民教育了 孩子。

  10. Madison’s house. We have a civics project due tomorrow.

  翻译:Madison家 我们明天要交个市政学作业。

  11. Now, i will kindly ask those of you who have just fallen asleep to please wake up. (Laughter) Why is it that the very word “civics” has such a soporific, even a narcoleptic effect on us?

  翻译:现在,请那些刚才睡着的人打起精神。(笑声) 为什么人们一听到“公民教育”这个词 就昏昏欲睡,甚至如患了发作性睡病一般。

  12. Last fall, we just released a brand-new practice civics test.

  翻译:去年秋天,我们刚刚发布了 一个全新的模拟公民考试系统。

  13. Reading, writing, and civics.

  翻译:阅读 写作和公民学。

  14. And, as you can see, these are not Honda Civics.

  翻译:你看 这些可不是的Civics车。

  15. i don’t have to give anyone here a civics lesson about the historic injustices visited upon black men for no other reason other than they’re black.

  翻译:关于对待黑人的历史性的不公 about the historic injustices visited upon black men 就只因为他们是黑人 for no other reason other than they’re black.。

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