animate是什么意思 animate的翻译、中文解释

  animate是什么意思 animate的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:i feel an obligation to animate and humanize these spaces continually in order to preserve their memories in a creative way — before they’re lost forever.

  翻译:更觉得背负着不离不弃地给这些地方注入人性与活力的责任, 用一种创新的方式,在它们的记忆永远失落之前 将它们保存下来。。



  例句:John inspired the technical team to create new software that would enable him to animate the squash and stretch movements he learned from traditional animation.




  例句:One of the crucial points is to make them searchable, and then people can use the different design tools to animate it there.

  翻译:关键的一步 是让这些数据可被搜索到 并借助软件实现动画的演示 。



  例句:not even really any kind of common sense, animate effort to ease the soul in this horrible, sinister condition of mortal hopelessness.

  翻译:甚至没有真正 任何一种常识, 努力缓解灵魂动画 在这种可怕的,阴险 条件凡人绝望。。


  animate一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在transitive animate([网络] 传递动画)、inanimate matter(un. 无机质

  [网络] 无生命物质;无生物)、inanimate nature(非动物界)等常见短语中出现较多。

  1. One of the crucial points is to make them searchable, and then people can use the different design tools to animate it there.

  翻译:关键的一步 是让这些数据可被搜索到 并借助软件实现动画的演示 。

  2. not even really any kind of common sense, animate effort to ease the soul in this horrible, sinister condition of mortal hopelessness.

  翻译:甚至没有真正 任何一种常识, 努力缓解灵魂动画 在这种可怕的,阴险 条件凡人绝望。。

  3. There’s no other animate life present.


  4. You know, i said — i went to Play-Doh, and said, “Look, i can animate this.”

  翻译:你们知道的——我去了培乐多, 然后说,看,我能把这做成活动的。 。

  5. Unless you can animate that corpse.


  6. Animate a single rat is one thing… but a human is still far out of reach.

  翻译:赋予简单的老鼠生命是一回事 但在人类身上目前仍办不到 是吗?。

  7. So the next process was then to animate her.


  8. When we animate the lines… color-blind mice stare straight.

  翻译:{fnMicrosoft YaHeifs15bord1shad03aHCCb0}当线条开始移动时 {fnMS Reference Sans Seriffs12bord1shad03aHCCb0}When we animate the lines… {fnMicrosoft YaHeifs15bord1shad03aHCCb0}色盲的小鼠 {fnMS Reference Sans Seriffs12bord1shad03aHCCb0}color -blind mice。

  9. Really. Because we had found a way to de-animate a mammal, and it didn’t hurt it.

  翻译:真的。因为我们已经找到了办法, 让哺乳动物进入假死状态。 并且不会伤害它。 。

  10. So if you look at the character carefully, you see there are lots of body movements going on, none of which you have to animate like in the old days.

  翻译:如果你仔细地看, 你可以看到很多的肢体动作, 这些动作不需要你画出来, 。

  11. And, in addition to the coarse-scale geometry, they also used all of that detail to create a set of what are called “displacement maps” that animate as well.

  翻译:并且,对于这个基本模型, 他们也使用了全部的细节 来创建一些列的置换贴图 同样可以对其进行动画设置。。

  12. A living landscape, complex and animate.

  翻译:一个生活的园地 复杂且生意盎然。

  13. And one of the crucial points is to make them searchable, and then people can use the different design tool to animate it there.

  翻译:关键的一步 是让这些数据可被搜索到 并借助软件实现动画的演示。

  14. And it’s too cerebral to animate guts and hearts and behavior when the going gets rough.

  翻译:而且太过于理性 而不去激励勇气和内心 以及行为 当事情变得复杂时。。

  15. i learned how to dehydrate animate objects and rehydrate them at will.

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