dwellers是什么意思 dwellers的翻译、中文解释

  dwellers是什么意思 dwellers的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:The actual villagers, the dwellers of the area, took Christianity and fashioned it in their own image and likeness.

  翻译:结果发现那些村民、当地的居住者们, 不仅接受了教, 而且以他们自己的形象和外貌塑造了它。。



  例句:According to this official… we have about 10,000 child street dwellers.

  翻译:据这位官员… 我们有大约000名儿童 街头流浪者。。



  例句:in Lagos, where public goods are rarely publicly available, slum dwellers are often at the forefront of innovating solutions.

  翻译:使用拉各斯的公品 对一般人来讲是很难的, 贫民窟的居民总是走在 创新办法的前沿。 。


  dwellers一般作为名词使用,如在slum dwellers(棚户)、 dwellers(un. 城市居民

  [网络] 城镇居民;住在内城贫民窟的人;都市居民)等常见短语中出现较多。

  1. in Lagos, where public goods are rarely publicly available, slum dwellers are often at the forefront of innovating solutions.

  翻译:使用拉各斯的公品 对一般人来讲是很难的, 贫民窟的居民总是走在 创新办法的前沿。 。

  2. Dwellers, night fiends, and torturers of the pit, strip the flesh from the mortal’s bones.

  翻译:地狱兵士,夜叉 还有阴曹刑者 把这个凡人的五马分尸吧。

  3. it’s not just reef dwellers that are found here.


  4. Primates are normally forest dwellers.


  5. Today, more people can get a glimpse of the big picture, thanks to the efforts of groups like the San Francisco Sidewalk Astronomers, who offer city dwellers free views through telescopes they fashioned on the cheap.

  翻译:费瑞斯: 现在 越来越多的人 能够窥见一斑。

  6. Your parents are cave dwellers.


  7. And there are a few other land-dwellers that can make light — some insects, earthworms, fungi — but in general, on land, it’s really rare.

  翻译:以及少数陆居生物, 比如某些昆虫,蚯蚓和真菌等。 总体来说,陆居发光生物体是很少见的。 。

  8. You’re all in a state similar to cave dwellers.


  9. Today’s Arctic city dwellers can lead an almost normal existence thanks to technology.

  翻译:今天北极地区的城市居民 靠科技几乎可以过上正常生活。

  10. Sir Bedivere, who runs this aristocratic family of cave dwellers, meet Blue, son of Back Lack.

  翻译:还有这位 就是洞穴贵族之家的大家长贝德维尔 这是布鲁 拜克莱克的儿子。

  11. And Tasneem Siddiqui, who developed a way called incremental housing, where he has moved 40,000 slum dwellers into safe, affordable community housing.

  翻译:还有塔斯尼姆·西迪基, 他建立一种叫“住房渐增”的方法, 这种方法让他使四万贫民窟居民 搬进了低廉、安全的社区住房。。

  12. So, tired of this situation, a local slum dwellers’ federation called Muungano decided to do something about it.

  翻译:所以,在厌倦了这样的情形之后, 一个名为“穆加农”(Muungano)的 当地贫民窟居盟 决定行动起来改变现状。 。

  13. To all the other bottom-dwellers.

  翻译:To all the other bottom -dwellers.。

  14. These squirrels are tree dwellers, so they camp upstairs.


  15. For the past 30 years i’ve been closely watching the earth and its dwellers from high up in the sky.

  翻译:过去xx年里, 我有幸从高空仔细观察 地球和它的居住者们。。

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