macroscopic是什么意思 macroscopic的翻译、中文解释

  macroscopic是什么意思 macroscopic的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:We do this by moving the robogami by microscopic and macroscopic movements at the stage.

  翻译:我们通过在模拟台上的 可视宏观动作 以及肉眼不可见的微小运动 来实现这一点。 。



  例句:We’re going to move now from the biological and the macroscopic world, down into the atomic world, as we fly into a lattice of atoms.

  翻译:我们现在要从这个生物 宏观世界领域, 深入到原子世界, 我们会飞到原子的矩阵中。。



  例句:There’s the macroscopic world that we see. There’s the world of our cells.

  翻译:有我们肉眼可见的宏观世界 有我们细胞的世界。



  例句:it occurred to me that knowing and not knowing can be achieved by creating a macroscopic example of quantum superposition.

  翻译:我想到用一个量子叠加态的宏观模型 可以让你既知道又不知道。


  macroscopic一般作为名词使用,如在total macroscopic crosssection(总巨观截面)、macroscopic acidity constant([化] 宏观酸度常数)、macroscopic agglutination([医] 肉眼凝集[现象])等常见短语中出现较多。

  1. There’s the macroscopic world that we see. There’s the world of our cells.

  翻译:有我们肉眼可见的宏观世界 有我们细胞的世界。

  2. it occurred to me that knowing and not knowing can be achieved by creating a macroscopic example of quantum superposition.

  翻译:我想到用一个量子叠加态的宏观模型 可以让你既知道又不知道。

  3. i’m also my macroscopic physiology.


  4. Part of it is that these materials are macroscopic in structure, but they’re formed at the nanoscale.

  翻译:这些材料在结构上 肉眼可见, 但是它们是由纳米级材料组成的。。

  5. Part of it is that these materials are macroscopic in structure, but they’re formed at the nano scale.

  翻译:这些材料在结构上 肉眼可见, 但是它们是由纳米级材料组成的。 。

  6. i’m going to fly you into five research projects in the AlloSphere that are going to take you from biological macroscopic data all the way down to electron spin.

  翻译:我将要带你们游览在全息投影球 里的5个研究项目,那将带领你们从 宏观生物学数据 一直到电子的环绕。 。

  7. Higgs, extra dimensions, supersymmetry, microscopic black holes, macroscopic black holes,

  翻译:黑格斯,额外维度, 超对称, 微型黑洞, 宏观黑洞,。

  8. i’m going to fly you into five research projects in the AlloSphere that are going to take you from biological macroscopic data all the way down to electron spin.

  翻译:我将要带你们游览在全息投影球 里的5个研究项目,那将带领你们从 宏观生物学数据 一直到电子的环绕。。

  9. The emergence of quantum effects on a macroscopic level.

  翻译:是量子效益在宏观层面的现象 The emergence of quantum effects on a macroscopic level.。

  10. We’re going to move now from the biological and the macroscopic world, down into the atomic world, as we fly into a lattice of atoms.

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