microwaves是什么意思 microwaves的翻译、中文解释

  microwaves是什么意思 microwaves的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:- Microwaves from the screen.




  例句:We can’t see it with our eyes, we can’t detect it with radio waves or microwaves or any other kind of light.

  翻译:我们不能用肉眼观察它们, 也不能用无线电波、微波 或其他任何的可见光 探测它们。



  例句:Think of your fridges, your TVs, your microwaves, just sitting idly for days.

  翻译:想象一下你的冰箱,电视,你的微波炉, 只是闲置几天。


  microwaves一般作为名词使用,如在ultra microwaves([网络] 超微波)等常见短语中出现较多。

  1. Think of your fridges, your TVs, your microwaves, just sitting idly for days.

  翻译:想象一下你的冰箱,电视,你的微波炉, 只是闲置几天。

  2. it won’t melt, because microwaves, or radar, pass straight through the ice without interacting.

  翻译:它不会融化 因为微波或者雷达 直接穿过冰块而不会对其发生作用。

  3. Streams of electrical energy, radio waves, microwaves, light waves, cell phones, PDAs, TV, wireless networks, remotes, garage door openers, you name it.

  翻译:流电能, 无线电波,微波, 光波, 手机,PDA, 电视,无线网络。

  4. in aviation, radar antennas launch pulses of radio or microwaves at planes to learn their locations by timing how long the beams take to bounce back.

  翻译:在航空领域, 雷达天线向飞机 发射无线电脉冲或微波, 通过计算波束返回时长 来确定飞机位置。

  5. And what they noticed was they don’t have a lot of DVRs, they don’t have a lot of microwaves, but they seem to do a pretty good job of keeping their cars on the road.

  翻译:他们注意到的是那里没有很多的数字录像机 没有很多的微波炉, 但似乎他们的汽车保养得很好。

  6. Microchips, microwaves, faxes, air phones.

  翻译:微晶体电路,微波炉… 传真机,无线电话。

  7. Electricity, microwaves, infrared waves.


  8. They’re out in Dubuque. Maybe it’s microwaves.

  翻译:在迪比克 也可能是微波炉。

  9. i bought some of the inventory from hotels and stuff, like the old microwaves and things like that.

  翻译:我买了一些库存 从酒店的东西, 像老微波炉 之类的东西。

  10. The microwaves only penetrate the top layer of skin cells.

  翻译:微波只能渗入人体的最外层皮肤细胞 The microwaves only penetrate the top layer of skin cells.。

  11. Okay, so, you want to heat people with microwaves, is that right?

  翻译:OK, so, 你想用微波 you want to heat people 加热人 对吗 with microwaves, is that right。

  12. My mother doesn’t approve of microwaves.


  13. Just make our microwaves cook and our cell phones talk, and once every 100 years, just stop our computers from blowing up!

  翻译:只要每隔xx年,我们的微波炉 和手机还能用就行了 快去阻止我们的电脑爆炸吧。

  14. The only things i can think of with timers are microwaves and…


  15. The light that our eyes can see, including all of the colors of the rainbow, is just a small part of the larger spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, which includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared, ultraviolet, x-rays, and gamma rays.

  翻译:我们眼睛能看得见的光 包括彩虹里的所有颜色 都只是电磁辐射大光谱里的 一小部分 大光谱里有无线电波,微波 红外线,紫外线,X射线 和伽马射线。

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