levitt是什么意思 levitt的翻译、中文解释

  levitt是什么意思 levitt的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:You wanna go hang out with Rich Levitt, go ahead.




  例句:The bakery was completely wiped out, but the lessons for me were that accountability counts — got to build things with people on the ground, using business models where, as Steven Levitt would say, the incentives matter.

  翻译:面包行被彻底的摧毁了 对于我来说,经验教训就是:负责心最重要。 干事业要以人为本, 就如Steven Levitt所说,商业模式中 应有激励制度才行。 。



  1. M iss Levitt, i was just gonna call you.

  翻译:莱维特 我正想打电话给你呢。

  2. There was a kid in the neighbourhood called Billy Levitt.

  翻译:邻居家有个小孩叫比利? 莱维特。

  3. Steven Levitt shares data that shows car seats are no more effective than seatbelts in protecting kids from dying in cars. However, during the question and answer session, he makes one crucial caveat.

  翻译:Steven Levitt 和大家分享了他对汽车安全座椅的研究数据。这些数据表明在降低儿童的车祸死亡率这方面,汽车安全座椅并不比安全带更有效。不过,在结尾的自由提问时间, 他对公众提出了一个至关重要的警告。。

  4. Tim Levitt, you’re under arrest for the murder of Albert Magnuson.

  翻译:Tim Levitt 你因Albert Magnuson被捕了。

  5. i use Man Ray, Helen Levitt, Giacomelli, other people’s artwork.

  翻译:我用曼·雷、海伦·莱维特、 贾科梅利,和其他人的作品。 。

  6. Nice tie. You look like Jason Gordon-Levitz. it’s actually Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

  翻译:下一次 你装扮成杰森 高登的样子 很好 杰森高登的装扮。

  7. http://www.ted.com/talks/steven_levitt_on_child_carseats.html


  8. But all the names and likeness of Albert Magnuson, all the merchandizing and the sponsorship– that just goes to Levitt Holdings.

  翻译:所有的周边和赞助商 都属于Levitt股份公司。

  9. And Levitt goes as far as to say that all motivating power vanishes when rewards are handed out with a delay.

  翻译:莱维特甚至说, 当延迟发放奖励时, 一切激励作用都会消失。 。

  10. He will also be entitled to $200,000 in punitive damages from the Graboski-Levitt Clinic.

  翻译:同时他将从Graboski一Levitt诊所获得 二十万损害赔偿金。

  11. You have a missed call from Rich Levitt.


  12.Freakonomicsauthor Steven Levitt presents new data on the finances of drug dealing. Contrary to popular myth, he says, being a street-corner crack dealer isn’t lucrative: it pays below minimum wage. And your boss can kill you.

  翻译:《魔鬼经济学》的作者Steven Levitt展示了有关交易的最新经济数据。与传统看法不同的是,他认为街头贩子其实无利可图:他们的收入不仅低于最低工资线,更要冒着被头头解决的生命风险。。

  13. Greenspan, Rubin, and SEC chairman Arthur Levitt issued a joint statement condemning Born and recommending legislation to keep derivatives unregulated.

  翻译:格林斯潘 Rubin 以及 证券交易委员会Arthur Levitt 联名谴责Born – 并建议立法保障 衍生金融商品交易不受监管。

  14. Mrs. Levitt has a problem… offer her a free roll of film.

  翻译:不过, 一次洗叁卷底片 不是什么大问题。

  15. Legally, the Graboski-Levitt Clinic is obligated to protect your identity.

  翻译:法律上讲Graboski -Levitt诊所有义务保护您的身份。

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