nucleus是什么意思 nucleus的翻译、中文解释

  nucleus是什么意思 nucleus的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:But it’s really a tiny fraction of the size of an atomic nucleus.

  翻译:但是它实际上只相当于一个原子核的一小部分那么大。 。



  例句:- Look, sir, if i kill the nucleus…




  例句:The orbitals, which are areas in space around the nucleus… the ones that are closer to the nucleus, those are low energy… and the ones that are further away are higher energy.

  翻译:所谓轨道就是原子核周围的空间。 离原子核越近的轨道能量就越低。 越远能量越高。。


  4.核心 、核子

  例句:And what defines each element is the number of protons in the nucleus.

  翻译:而决定每一种元素种类的 是原子核中的质子数 。


  nucleus一般作为名词使用,如在diffused nucleus(扩散核)、diphtong nucleus(二合元音的核心)、diploid nucleus(二倍核)等常见短语中出现较多。

  1. The orbitals, which are areas in space around the nucleus… the ones that are closer to the nucleus, those are low energy… and the ones that are further away are higher energy.

  翻译:所谓轨道就是原子核周围的空间。 离原子核越近的轨道能量就越低。 越远能量越高。。

  2. And what defines each element is the number of protons in the nucleus.

  翻译:而决定每一种元素种类的 是原子核中的质子数 。

  3. “and the donkeys at Nucleus a run for their money.”‘

  翻译:和那些’纽核力’的们一较高下 and the donkeys at Nucleus a run for their money.。

  4. it’s a medium-sized nucleus.


  5. it was to do with the nucleus and Einstein A and B coefficients.

  翻译:关于原子核,还有 爱因斯坦A、B系数的内容。 。

  6. So if an atom is like a ball the size of a football stadium, with the nucleus in the center, and the electrons on the edge, what is in between the nucleus and the electrons?

  翻译:一个橄榄球场大小的原子, 原子核在中心,而电子在边缘, 那么两者之间又是什么呢? 。

  7. Looks like Nucleus is optimal.

  翻译:’纽核力’也很理想 Looks like Nucleus is optimal.。

  8. Does an active galactic nucleus have superluminal jets?


  9. But there, it was necessary to have a nucleus, and it was necessary to have a leading personality.

  翻译:他说: 如果我们 孩子们会怎么样?。

  10. in which case the nucleus would be here.


  11. the infinite capacity of a cell’s nucleus.


  12. Since virtually all the mass of an atom is in the nucleus — now, there is some amount of mass in the electrons, but most of it is in the nucleus — how dense is the nucleus?

  翻译:事实上原子的大部分质量集中在原子核, 虽然电子也有一定质量, 但是可以忽略。 那么原子核的密度是多少? 你会觉得不可思议。 。

  13. Between the nucleus and the electrons, there are vast regions of empty space.

  翻译:在原子核和电子之间存在着空洞区域。 。

  14. Nucleus is gonna crush Wide Diaper.

  翻译:’纽核力’会把’魔尿布’打的落花流水 Nucleus is gonna crush Wide Diaper.。

  15. Laterthatyear, German scientists discoverfission of the uranium nucleus


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