nooks是什么意思 nooks的翻译、中文解释

  nooks是什么意思 nooks的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:Most rocks are porous, full of tiny nooks and crannies where life can stow away.

  翻译:它就是星际方舟 an interplanetary ark. 大部分的岩石是多孔的,有细小的角落和缝隙 Most rocks are porous, full of tiny nooks and crannies, 很适合生命用来偷渡 where life can stow away.。



  例句:As it grows dark, some families, unable to find shelter anywhere, stretch out to sleep in nooks and alcoves of buildings, or simply on the street, despite the cold.

  翻译:而天黑后 有些家庭找不到遮蔽处 就在建筑物的旮旯屋角处过夜 甚至就躺在街上 尽管天寒地冻。



  例句:They’re too slow to catch fish in a straight chase so they seek prey that is hiding in the nooks and crannies of the coral.

  翻译:它们直接捕食鱼速度跟不上 因此就在珊瑚礁的裂缝和暗处寻找猎物。



  例句:’Alcoves,’ yes. it’s kind of like ‘nooks and crannies. ‘

  翻译:”隐窝” 没错 有点像”隐匿处”。


  nooks一般作为名词使用,如在made snooks at(v. 表示轻蔑)、make snooks at(vt. 表示轻蔑)、nooks and crannies([网络] 每个角落)等常见短语中出现较多。

  1. They’re too slow to catch fish in a straight chase so they seek prey that is hiding in the nooks and crannies of the coral.

  翻译:它们直接捕食鱼速度跟不上 因此就在珊瑚礁的裂缝和暗处寻找猎物。

  2. ‘Alcoves,’ yes. it’s kind of like ‘nooks and crannies. ‘

  翻译:”隐窝” 没错 有点像”隐匿处”。

  3. Libraries should be full of dusty old books and nooks and corners and places to hide away in.

  翻译:书房就应该堆满积尘的书籍 有阴暗的角落 还有… 藏身之处。

  4. i’ve been looking around, crawling through a few divine nooks and crannies, and from what i can see, without the Archangels, it’s a mess up there.

  翻译:我到处逛了逛 爬进了几个天使的脑子里瞧了瞧 据我看到的情况。

  5. Think about building a house of Lego blocks, with all of the nooks and crannies that latch together, as opposed to smooth building blocks.

  翻译:想象用乐高积木搭建一个房子, 相比于光滑的积木块, 乐高积木的所有边边角角 都是嵌合在一起的。 。

  6. in all the nooks and crannies.


  7. ‘Nooks and crannies,’ yes. Perhaps this would be more accurate.

  翻译:对 “隐匿处” 这种说法可能更恰当。

  8. And then the pencil rolls around and she bends again, and her undulating buttocks cause the short skirt to rise just shy of the nooks and crannies.

  翻译:这时笔滚动开去 然后她又弯下腰 她那波浪状的臀部使得短裙升了上去 只是遮住隐蔽处。

  9. in every nooks and crannies.


  10. Are hidden germs lurking in your nooks and crannies?

  翻译:神秘的微生物隐藏在 你的角落和裂缝里?。

  11. At night many of these fish sleep, resting in safe nooks and crannies on the reef.

  翻译:晚上许多鱼儿会睡觉 会在安全的角落或裂隙中休息。

  12. He’s right, though. Everyone has secret nooks and crannies.

  翻译:但他说的不错, 每个人的心里都有不为人知的角落和裂痕。。

  13. Wax cups, Fold-a-Nooks, multi-mixers. A new idea to chase.


  14. And i’m not talking here about just experts who are telling you what you’re seeing, but really people who are passionate about the various nooks and crannies of the universe, who can share their enthusiasm and can make the universe a welcoming place.

  翻译:我说的不是仅仅是一些告诉你所见是什么的专家们, 而是那些对宇宙各种各样的犄角旮旯都充满的人们, 那些分享他们热情的人们 让宇宙成为好客之地。 。

  15. All kinds of nooks and crannies in this place.

  翻译:这地方有很多角落和缝隙 {cHFFFFFF}{3cH2F2F2F}{4cH000000}All kinds of nooks and crannies in this place.。

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