panning是什么意思 panning的翻译、中文解释

  panning是什么意思 panning的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:The camera’s spinning and spiraling and jerking and panning.

  翻译:镜头回转 旋转 前后移动 拉近 推远 动作让人啧啧称奇。



  例句:The next day, Uncle Barney finally confronted Matthew Panning, the stud of Port Richmond Middle School.

  翻译:第二天Barney叔叔终于见到Matthew Panning 利治蒙港中学的小霸王。


  panning一般作为名词使用,如在fast panning(快速摇摄)、follow panning(水平跟拍)、gold panning(淘金)等常见短语中出现较多。

  1. Your right leg on mine, keep me from panning out, take me down.

  翻译:用右腿压住我 不要我起来 压住我。

  2. So can i just show up and start panning or digging or what have you, or do i need a permit or a license or something?

  翻译:所以说 我来了这儿就可以随便淘金 或者掘金什么的 还是我得先去弄个。

  3. No, no. Creek panning’s a whole other thing.

  翻译:不不 河里淘金是另一码事。

  4. Lives in a trailer home near the gold panning creek.


  5. Keep panning that river, buddy.

  翻译:哼哧哼哧的淘金呢 伙计。

  6. So, the first thing that you might notice about the mapping site is just the fluidity of the zooming and the panning, which, if you’re familiar at all with Seadragon, that’s where it comes from.

  翻译:所以, 这个地图网页首先引起你注意的 是流畅的地图缩放和平移, 如果你熟悉Seadragon 我们用的就是它的技术 。

  7. And we can travel the whole length, while panning and tilting and really looking at everything we want to.

  翻译:我们可以穿过整个距离 进行摇拍 倾斜拍摄 随心所欲地进行拍摄。

  8. The Dayak have been panning this river for over 5,000 years.

  翻译:蒂亚克人在这条河上淘金 有五千多年的历史了。

  9. So you got even by stealing his panning equipment?


  10. – Oh, wait. – Hand to the right. Keeping panning.

  翻译:等等 右边。

  11. – Jack, we had her a second ago. Camera 3 should be panning back on her in few seconds

  翻译:杰克,摄像机移开了几秒钟 再过几秒钟就会回到她身上。

  12. Say, how’s the claim panning out?


  13. Essentially i’m doing the scientific equivalent of panning for gold.

  翻译:完美的地热煮蛋 我要… 可以吃吗?。

  14. We’re looking at many, many gigabytes of digital photos here and kind of seamlessly and continuously zooming in, panning through it, rearranging it in any way we want.

  翻译:我们这里看到的是许多许多GB(千兆字节)级别的数码照片, 对它们可以进行持续并且平滑的放大, 可以通过全景的方式浏览它们,还可以对它们进行重新排列。 。

  15. So, the first thing that you might notice about the mapping site is just the fluidity of the zooming and the panning, which, if you’re familiar at all with Seadragon, that’s where it comes from.

  翻译:所以, 这个地图网页首先引起你注意的 是流畅的地图缩放和平移, 如果你熟悉Seadragon 我们用的就是它的技术。

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