hippocampus是什么意思 hippocampus的翻译、中文解释

  hippocampus是什么意思 hippocampus的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:This consolidation occurs with the help of a major part of the brain, known as the hippocampus.

  翻译:记忆巩固得益于脑部的一个重要部位, 这个部位被称为海马体, 。



  例句:This area shown here is an area called the hippocampus.




  例句:it also leads to fewer new brain cells being made in the hippocampus.

  翻译:它也致使海马体中新生的脑细胞更少, 。



  例句:And indeed, on the inputs to the hippocampus, cells are found which project into the hippocampus, which do respond exactly to detecting boundaries or edges at particular distances and directions from the rat or mouse as it’s exploring around.

  翻译:而且确实,在老鼠搜罗环境时, 我们在海马区的输入信号中, 检测到能对 距环境边界的特定距离 与方向作出 精确感应的 神经元细胞。。


  hippocampus一般作为名词使用,如在fimbria of hippocampus(海马伞)、genus Hippocampus([网络] 海马;海马属)、genus hippocampuss([网络] 海马;海马属

  (genus hippocampus 的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。

  1. it also leads to fewer new brain cells being made in the hippocampus.

  翻译:它也致使海马体中新生的脑细胞更少, 。

  2. And indeed, on the inputs to the hippocampus, cells are found which project into the hippocampus, which do respond exactly to detecting boundaries or edges at particular distances and directions from the rat or mouse as it’s exploring around.

  翻译:而且确实,在老鼠搜罗环境时, 我们在海马区的输入信号中, 检测到能对 距环境边界的特定距离 与方向作出 精确感应的 神经元细胞。。

  3. So we’ll start with the hippocampus, shown in yellow, which is the organ of memory.

  翻译:我们先着眼于大脑海马区,即的区域 这是我们的记忆器官。。

  4. The hippocampus — or exercise actually produces brand new brain cells, new brain cells in the hippocampus, that actually increase its volume, as well as improve your long-term memory, OK?

  翻译:海马体—— 或者说是运动实际上 能够产生全新的脑细胞, 海马体中的全新脑细胞能够增加它的数量, 同时提升你的长期记忆力。 。

  5. Alzheimer’s occurs when abnormal protein fragments accumulate in the hippocampus, killing neurons.

  翻译:阿兹海默症的起因是由于不正常的蛋白质 累积在海马体, 造成神经元死亡。

  6. So we’re going to imagine we’re recording from a single neuron in the hippocampus of this rat here.

  翻译:现在想象一下,我们正在为这只老鼠的海马区中的 一个神经元细胞“录像”。 。

  7. The hippocampus is formed of two sheets of cells, which are very densely interconnected.

  翻译:海马区由两层片状的细胞群构成, 这两层细胞群紧密相连。。

  8. And i took him for a tour of one of the most exciting parts of the brain when it comes to neurogenesis — and this is the hippocampus.

  翻译:我向他展示了 大脑最令人兴奋的部分 有关神经生成的活动– 这是海马体。 。

  9. The hippocampus is formed of two sheets of cells, which are very densely interconnected.

  翻译:海马区由两层片状的细胞群构成, 这两层细胞群紧密相连。 。

  10. Meanwhile, the flood of corticosteroids from stress stimulates your hippocampus, also prompting memory consolidation.

  翻译:同时压力导致 大量分泌, 进一步海马体, 有助于记忆巩固。 。

  11. So we’re going to imagine we’re recording from a single neuron in the hippocampus of this rat here.

  翻译:现在想象一下,我们正在为这只老鼠的海马区中的 一个神经元细胞“录像”。。

  12. Now grid cells are found, again, on the inputs to the hippocampus, and they’re a bit like place cells.

  翻译:目前在向海马区的信号输入中 又发现了“网状细胞”, 它们与“定位细胞”有点类似。 。

  13. And that structure is called the hippocampus.

  翻译:它被称作海马体。 。

  14. And here you see a section of the hippocampus of a mouse that had no running wheel in its cage.

  翻译:这幅图片是老鼠的海马体, 它的笼子里没有滚动跑轮。 。

  15. And now, you see a section of the hippocampus of a mouse that had a running wheel in its cage.

  翻译:现在,这幅是老鼠的海马体 它的笼子里有滚动跑轮。 。

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