hustles是什么意思 hustles的翻译、中文解释

  hustles是什么意思 hustles的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:The panhandlers trust him, he believes in them, he hustles.

  翻译:乞讨者信任他, 他也信任这些乞讨者。 是他促成了这件事。 。



  例句:Side hustles could be anything from volunteering with an organization that’s in the new industry you want to go into, could be starting your business part-time on the weekends.

  翻译:这个副业可以是 在你想要去的新行业中的公司里 做志愿者, 也可以是用周末时间自己创业。 。



  例句:You know, every girl hustles in some way.

  翻译:你知道吗 每个姑娘都在挤破头。


  hustles一般作为名词使用,如在ear hustles(骗人)等常见短语中出现较多。

  1. You know, every girl hustles in some way.

  翻译:你知道吗 每个姑娘都在挤破头。

  2. Side hustles are appealing because it’s easier to take that chance when you have some kind of income coming in.

  翻译:副业很有吸引力, 因为通过它你能赚到钱, 就更容易让你抓住机会。 。

  3. All these women are running side hustles.

  翻译:这些女性都在从事副业。 。

  4. – i won’t, as long as you agree to no more scams, no more cons, no more hustles, no more hoodwinks, no more gambits, no more stratagems and no more bamboozles.

  翻译:我不会的 只要你保证不再用计谋 圈套 不再用障眼法 诡计 以后没有诈术 谋略。

  5. All they’ll learn on the inside is new hustles.

  翻译:而他们在里所能学到的不过是新的骗术而已。 。

  6. They’d pass the time lining their pockets. Sam used to insist on honest work, but now he hustles pool, like his brother.

  翻译:他们会去发点小财 顺利打发时间 {cHFFFFFF}{3cH111111}{4cH111111}They’d pass the time lining their pockets. like his brother.。

  7. All they’ll learn on the inside is new hustles.


  8. – No one hustles Yama! – Whoa. Hey…

  翻译:????) ??? ????? ??? ?).。

  9. Just don’t go do one of your stupid hustles for money.


  10. What, and he hustles pool?

  翻译:嗄 他还诈赌。

  11. Oh yeah, occasionally he’ll go down the aisle with the collection basket, wink at the pretty ladies, then he hustles back to count the money and clocks out.

  翻译:举着他的募捐篮,向漂亮的女士抛媚眼 接着他急急忙忙地回来数钱, 之后就下班了。

  12. Well, you learn to hustle, all kinds of hustles.


  13. Looks, throws, catches, hustles.


  14. Well, you learn to hustle, all kinds of hustles.

  翻译:我们必须做买卖,各种各样的买卖。 。

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