passerby是什么意思 passerby的翻译、中文解释

  passerby是什么意思 passerby的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  passerby在英语中代表‘过路人 、过路人’的意思,其中文解释还有’行人’的意思,发音音标为[pa:s?b’ai],passerby在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到21个与passerby相关的用法和句子。


  例句:Unless he strangles a passerby.




  例句:When Bai Su Zhen was a small snake, a beggar was about to kill her, but a kind passerby rescued her.

  翻译:那时,白素贞还是一条小蛇, 一个乞丐正要杀死她时, 一位善良的过路人救了她。 。



  例句:And my mother, she takes a walk in the park, and sits on a bench in the sun, hoping that a passerby will come and sit next to her and have a conversation about life or about the ducks in the pond.

  翻译:我母亲喜欢在公园里走走, 坐在长椅上晒晒太阳, 希望一个路人会过来坐在她身旁, 和她讨论人生, 或者讨论池塘里的鸭子。 。



  1. And my mother, she takes a walk in the park, and sits on a bench in the sun, hoping that a passerby will come and sit next to her and have a conversation about life or about the ducks in the pond.

  翻译:我母亲喜欢在公园里走走, 坐在长椅上晒晒太阳, 希望一个路人会过来坐在她身旁, 和她讨论人生, 或者讨论池塘里的鸭子。 。

  2. We can’t be killing anybody or hurting anybody on set, or any passerby. So, safety is everything.

  翻译:我们不能杀死或伤害在场的或是 路过的任何人。因此安全就是一切。。

  3. Broken leg. Passerby pulled him out.

  翻译:腿断了 路人拉他出来的。

  4. it’s atmosphere for the passerby


  5. Around 10 p.m. yesterday a passerby called police – after finding a woman bleeding on an overpass in Ogikubo…

  翻译:昨晚大约10点左右 路人发现 一位女子倒卧地上 腹部流血。

  6. Uh, the victim, leland spears, was found by a passerby.

  翻译:死者 Leland Spears 被过路人发现。

  7. in front of this tank there’s a man on a bicycle with a breadbasket on his head. To any passerby, there’s no problem with this visual.

  翻译:在坦克前面有个人骑着自行车, 头上有个面包篮。对任何路人来说, 这个形象没有问题。 。

  8. Let a passerby ask him a question.


  9. Go tell the Spartans, passerby that here, by Spartan law, we lie.

  翻译:路人啊 去告诉人… 我们遵照的法律 长眠于此。

  10. The body was discovered by a passerby just off the roadway.

  翻译:我要是杀了那狗,他都比我现在死的好看. 尸体是路边的行人发现的.。

  11. its history began in early 17th century Kyoto, where a shrine maiden named izumo no Okuni would use the city’s dry Kamo Riverbed as a stage to perform unusual dances for passerby, who found her daring parodies of Buddhist prayers both entertaining and mesmerizing.

  翻译:它的历史可以追溯到17世纪的京都。 京都当时有一位很出名的巫女,叫做”阿国“。 她当时将一条已经干涸的河床当做舞台场所 为过路人提供与众不同的舞蹈表演。 她的舞蹈有时会极其夸张地模仿徒朝拜的样子, 极具性,也让人过目难忘。 。

  12. it wouldn’t interest a passerby like yourself.


  13. We can’t be killing anybody or hurting anybody on set, or any passerby. So, safety is everything.

  翻译:我们不能杀死或伤害在场的或是 路过的任何人。因此安全就是一切。 。

  14. But even if some passerby did happen to receive, all it would do is knock…

  翻译:所有人都互相戏弄 人都是这样的 我们饰演不同角色。

  15. Always playing Passerby 1, 2, 3.


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