nosedive是什么意思 nosedive的翻译、中文解释

  nosedive是什么意思 nosedive的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:Reefs in the Pacific are in a nosedive right now, and no one knows how bad it’s going to get, except …

  翻译:太平洋的珊瑚礁的死亡速度 正在加快, 现在没有人知道到底 会发展到多坏的程度。 除了… 。



  例句:i had a tip that the price is about to take a nosedive.

  翻译:我收到消息说 维尔塔宁的股价会暴跌。



  例句:- i-i was stitching up nosedive.- nosedive?

  翻译:- 我在缝合歪鼻子呢 – 歪鼻子?。


  4.俯冲 、价格

  例句:My life’s been a big nosedive since, but it’s not a problem.

  翻译:眖êиネ跑眔辅 ê⊿ぐ或锚 – ⊿Τ罢и琌秨。


  nosedive一般作为名词、动词使用,如在Take a nosedive(大跌


  下跌)、to nosedive([网络] 直线下跌)等常见短语中出现较多。

  1. – i-i was stitching up nosedive.- nosedive?

  翻译:- 我在缝合歪鼻子呢 – 歪鼻子?。

  2. My life’s been a big nosedive since, but it’s not a problem.

  翻译:眖êиネ跑眔辅 ê⊿ぐ或锚 – ⊿Τ罢и琌秨。

  3. Goxstuck ina nosedive, therippleeffect iscreatingchaos inthebitcoinmarkets. (Manmutters) i’mtryingto figureout whyourorders aren’tgoingthrough.

  翻译:一系列连锁反应让比特币市场极度混乱 查理:。

  4. The price of housing will go to a nosedive.

  翻译:价价大跌,跌跌跌 {cH00FFFF}{3cH000000}The price of housing will go to a nosedive.。

  5. Why do you let your responsibilities nosedive?


  6. “To nosedive is to make a sudden downward plunge”


  7. While our approval ratings continue to nosedive? Spinella and i worked together for years on dozens of labor-related bills.

  翻译:Spinella和我这么多年合作了多少 与工会相关的法案。

  8. – Lf this thing takes a nosedive he’ll be lucky to run the hardware department.

  翻译:- LF这个东西需要一个急转直下… … ……。

  9. over in the Caribbean where i work, we’ve already been through the nosedive.

  翻译:在我工作的加勒比海区域, 我们已经经历了这种加速。 。

  10. Picture a girl who just took a nosedive from the ugly tree and hit every branch coming down!

  翻译:那女孩很重,从树上掉下来 大概会压断所有树枝。

  11. Just a complicated series of commands to buy and sell, but when i applied it to a simulation of the major stock market indexes, the market goes into a nosedive.

  翻译:对 就是一堆复杂的买卖指令 可当我把它应用到 一个模拟的主要股指上时 市场就会暴跌。

  12. – Makes my mood take a nosedive.

  翻译:- 我现在心情可不好。

  13. But his most recent exploits threaten to send this flyboy into a nosedive.

  翻译:而他最近的英勇事迹 But his most recent exploits 让这位飞行员一落千丈 threaten to send this flyboy into a nosedive.。

  14. Oh great, press just take a nosedive. Console Unit #2 display their paces. We marched across Red Square, and as we pass beneath him, his glance fall upon us, like the rays of the sun.

  翻译:哦太棒了,事情急转直下 我们从广场中 从他下面经过。

  15. You picked the exact number to make my stock take a nosedive and we both know who benefits from that.

  翻译:你挑一个这么确切的数字好让我的股价暴跌 我们都知道谁会受益。

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