metric是什么意思 metric的翻译、中文解释

  metric是什么意思 metric的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:Man 2: Metric pressure sustaining 057.




  例句:You’ve got a problem or a goal, you measure it, you hold yourself accountable to that metric.

  翻译:你已有一个问题或目标,你测量它, 之后你对自己的指标负责。 。



  例句:it happens gradually, along a metric known as the Norwood Scale, which describes the severity of hair loss.

  翻译:它根据一个度量标准逐渐发生, 这个度量叫诺伍德分型, 它描述脱发的严重程度。 。



  例句:Givers are overrepresented at the bottom and at the top of every success metric that i can track.

  翻译:付出者显著代表了 最低水平和最高水平, 。


  metric一般作为名词使用,如在disconnected metric space(不连通度量空间)、discrete metric([网络] 离散度量)、discrete metric space(离散度量空间)等常见短语中出现较多。

  1. it happens gradually, along a metric known as the Norwood Scale, which describes the severity of hair loss.

  翻译:它根据一个度量标准逐渐发生, 这个度量叫诺伍德分型, 它描述脱发的严重程度。 。

  2. Givers are overrepresented at the bottom and at the top of every success metric that i can track.

  翻译:付出者显著代表了 最低水平和最高水平, 。

  3. And i would propose it’s not a fair metric.

  翻译:我不觉得它是一个公平的指标 。

  4. Progress on this goal isn’t going to be measured with the metric of money.

  翻译:这一目标的进展不会用 金钱标准来衡量。 。

  5. We import 50,000 metric tons of sugar from Brazil and Cuba.


  6. But if you talked to Matt Drouin who manages Metric, he will tell you:

  翻译:但如果你跟马特?德劳 谁管理公制,他会告诉你:。

  7. Even so. i think this is the most reliable metric for stamina.

  翻译:尽管如此 持久度上来说 这是最可靠的算法 Even so, I think this is the most reliable metric for stamina.。

  8. There is no metric on earth that will give us the answer.

  翻译:这个地球上没有标准来给我们一个答案。 。

  9. The average US citizen emits about 17.5 metric tons.

  翻译:而美国的人均二氧化碳年排放量 是17.5吨。 。

  10. in our mind, the relevant metric is student-to-valuable-human-time- with-the-teacher ratio.

  翻译:在我们的观念里,衡量标准是 学生得到了老师 多少的时间比率。。

  11. Certainly, modern society is hard on the human psyche by every metric that we have.

  翻译:的确,现代社会对人类的精神 带来了重大的压力, 这些压力来自于我们社会上 各种的衡量标准。 。

  12. By no metric could you possibly be considered more attractive than me.

  翻译:从任何角度看 By no metric 你都不可能比我更有魅力 could you possibly be considered more attractive than me.。

  13. And with all the hubs, we still use one metric that we invented.

  翻译:在所有的项目中心,我们仍在 使用一个我们发明的指标, 。

  14. We import 50,000 metric tons of sugar from Brazil and Cuba.

  翻译:我们反而从巴西和古巴进口了5万吨的蔗糖 。

  15. it was 23 metric tons for one liter.


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