montessori是什么意思 montessori的翻译、中文解释

  montessori是什么意思 montessori的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:So one of the things — both Sergey and i went to a Montessori school, and i think, for some reason, this has been incorporated in Google.

  翻译:有一件事—Sergey和我 都去过一所蒙特梭利学校, 所以我觉得由于某种原因 这已经被纳入了Google。。



  例句:But i started getting very interested in Maria Montessori and her methods, and the way she went about things, and the way she thought it very valuable for kids to kind of discover things on their own rather than being taught these things overtly.

  翻译:我开始对玛利亚?蒙特梭利和她的教育方法 以及她的处事方式感兴趣。 她很重视让孩子们自己去发现, 而不是直接明白地向他们灌输这些知识。。



  例句:When i was a kid, i attended Montessori school up to sixth grade in Atlanta, Georgia.

  翻译:当我还是个小孩的时候,我在大名鼎鼎的蒙特梭利学校 读到了xx年级。那是在佐治亚州亚特兰大。。



  例句:i was a Montessori kid for the first few years of my education, and what that education taught me is that the world is an interesting place and my job is to go explore it.

  翻译:我在蒙特梭利接受了几年的低龄教育, 这种教育让我认为 这个世界非常有趣 而我的工作就是要去探索它。 。


  montessori一般作为名词使用,如在maria montessori([网络] 蒙特梭利;蒙台梭利;玛丽亚·蒙特梭利)、montessori curriculum(蒙特梭利课程)、montessori method(蒙特棱利方法)等常见短语中出现较多。

  1. When i was a kid, i attended Montessori school up to sixth grade in Atlanta, Georgia.

  翻译:当我还是个小孩的时候,我在大名鼎鼎的蒙特梭利学校 读到了xx年级。那是在佐治亚州亚特兰大。。

  2. i was a Montessori kid for the first few years of my education, and what that education taught me is that the world is an interesting place and my job is to go explore it.

  翻译:我在蒙特梭利接受了几年的低龄教育, 这种教育让我认为 这个世界非常有趣 而我的工作就是要去探索它。 。

  3. Montessori he was scouting for talent?


  4. Almost, again, like the Montessori toy idea.


  5. -Surely, if not Montessori, Emerson.

  翻译:重点保罗。 – 当然,如果不是蒙特梭利,爱默生。。

  6. We’re not going to fix things for them by sending them back to Montessori.

  翻译:我们没法通过将他们送回 蒙特梭利的幼儿园来解决它 。

  7. And then, in this same vein, we keep a digital mosaic, because this is not constructivist or Montessori or something.

  翻译:然后,用同样的方式, 我们保留了一个数码马赛克, 因为这不是构成论法或者蒙特梭利 (意大利女医师及教育家)之类的教育法。 。

  8. i’ll put him in Montessori.


  9. So one of the things — both Sergey and i went to a Montessori school, and i think, for some reason, this has been incorporated in Google.

  翻译:有一件事—Sergey和我 都去过一所蒙特梭利学校, 所以我觉得由于某种原因 这已经被纳入了Google。 。

  10. When i was a kid, i attended Montessori school up to sixth grade in Atlanta, Georgia.

  翻译:当我还是个小孩的时候,我在大名鼎鼎的蒙特梭利学校 读到了xx年级。那是在佐治亚州亚特兰大。 。

  11. Almost, again, like the Montessori toy idea.

  翻译:同样几乎就像是蒙特梭利玩具那样。 。

  12. He was rasing money for a black Montessori school and writing his life’s story.

  翻译:他当时一边为一个黑人蒙台梭利学校筹钱 一边写他的传记。

  13. That’s Montessori’s revenge. – Montezuma’s.

  翻译:- 你知道你不该那样,去那儿象是冒险…。

  14. i started getting very interested in Maria Montessori and her methods, and the way she went about things, and the way she thought it very valuable for kids to discover things on their own rather than being taught these things overtly.

  翻译:我开始对玛利亚?蒙特梭利和她的教育方法 以及她的处事方式感兴趣。 她很重视让孩子们自己去发现, 而不是直接明白地向他们灌输这些知识。 她会设计一些寓教于乐的玩具, 。

  15. Well, perhaps in your extensive studies… you’ve heard of the educator Maria Montessori?

  翻译:好吧,也许 在你广泛的研究… 你听说过 教育家蒙特梭利?。

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