moderately是什么意思 moderately的翻译、中文解释

  moderately是什么意思 moderately的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:i can raise an animal under conditions that would be equivalent to raising a baby under a moderately loud ceiling fan, in the presence of continuous noise.

  翻译:我可以把动物放在一个 发出持续噪音的环境里饲养, 这样等同于把一个婴儿放在 有中等强度声音的吊扇的环境里养育。 。



  例句:- She’s moderately talented.




  例句:i’ve been exercising moderately.

  翻译:还适度做些运动 I’ve been exercising moderately.。


  moderately一般作为名词使用,如在moderately abnormal electroencephalogram(中度异常脑电图)、moderately active(中等活动的)、moderately advanced tuberculosis([医] 中度肺结核)等常见短语中出现较多。

  1. i’ve been exercising moderately.

  翻译:还适度做些运动 I’ve been exercising moderately.。

  2. High on past-positive. Moderately high on future.

  翻译:高度依赖于“积极经历”,适度依赖于未来 。

  3. Moderately bad news for the government of St George’s, but very good for the guerrillas.

  翻译:对圣乔治糟透了 It is moderately bad news for the government of St George’s, 但对游击队很好 but very good for the guerrillas.。

  4. Now then, ladies, what you see before you is a moderately presentable man in his 30’s, given to unhealthy thoughts and a dissipated lifestyle.

  翻译:你们面前是个三十来岁 还算英俊的男士 思想不太正经, 生活有点。

  5. You don’t like “moderately,” then let’s say tolerably.

  翻译:你不喜欢”一般般”? 那就讲”忍受得了”。

  6. B, i’m a moderately influential warlord.

  翻译:B,我是个还算有影响力的大军阀。 B, I’m a moderately influential warlord.。

  7. You do? – Well, moderately.


  8. High on past-positive. Moderately high on future.


  9. We’re in moderately poor shape down here.


  10. Place is moderately secure. Cameras. Maybe we stay here.

  翻译:这里比较安全 摄像头 也许我们该留在这里。

  11. Look at him, just standing in line like he wasn’t moderately famous 30 years ago.

  翻译:看看他 乖乖排著队 好像他xx年前没出过名一样。

  12. And that’s even before we screw it up with our cut-rate moderately attractive nanny.

  翻译:而且现在我们还没吓坏那个 And that’s even before we screw it up 物美价廉长相平庸的保姆 就已经糟透了 with our cut -rate moderately attractive nanny.。

  13. And actually, by the end of the day, i had a reasonable skull, a moderately good vertebrae and half of a pelvis.

  翻译:最后到那天结束,我已经有了个不错的头骨 一个恰到好处的脊椎和半个骨盆 。

  14. interestingly, Charles Darwin was born a very lightly pigmented man, in a moderately-to-darkly pigmented world.

  翻译:有趣的是,查尔斯-达尔文 一个肤色非常浅的人 生在一个深肤色的世界。。

  15. Well, that’s moderately perplexing, isn’t it?

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