metrics是什么意思 metrics的翻译、中文解释

  metrics是什么意思 metrics的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:They asked half of these participants to report their current personality traits, values, and preferences, along with what each of those metrics had been ten years before.

  翻译:他们询问了一半的参与者 报告他们当前的人格, 价值, 和喜好, 还有他们xx年前相同的指标。 。



  例句:On the vertical axis are nine social and health metrics.

  翻译:竖轴代表9个社会和健康的度量。 。



  例句:Metrics provides more numerical views on the data.

  翻译:“度量”对数据提供更多的数量分析。 。



  例句:So we started asking ourselves: What kind of less obvious metrics could we use to actually evaluate our employees’ sense of meaning, or our customers’ sense of emotional connection with us?

  翻译:因此我们开始自问: 什么样的不明显的衡量标准 能被我们用来评估 我们的雇员的归属感, 或我们的客户与我们公司的情感维系程度?。


  metrics一般作为名词使用,如在extension of metrics(度量的扩张)、fixed metrics(固定度量)、font metrics(字型量度)等常见短语中出现较多。

  1. Metrics provides more numerical views on the data.

  翻译:“度量”对数据提供更多的数量分析。 。

  2. So we started asking ourselves: What kind of less obvious metrics could we use to actually evaluate our employees’ sense of meaning, or our customers’ sense of emotional connection with us?

  翻译:因此我们开始自问: 什么样的不明显的衡量标准 能被我们用来评估 我们的雇员的归属感, 或我们的客户与我们公司的情感维系程度?。

  3. To survive aboard this ship you need – Only luck and metrics

  翻译:要在这艘船上存活下去 只能靠运气和胆量。

  4. When there are too many layers people are too far from the action, therefore they need KPis, metrics, they need poor proxies for reality.

  翻译:当有太多阶层时, 人离实际行动太远, 所以他们需要业绩指标,矩阵, 他们需要空洞的指标来代替现实 。

  5. We have unparalleled metrics on romantic geneses.

  翻译:对于浪漫 我们有着无与伦比的指标。

  6. But my art is so far from metrics, and moreover, my photography is widely exposing the theme of escapism.

  翻译:但是我的艺术难以度量 而且我的摄影多是 以逃避现实为主题 。

  7. And this is what we used to give to the company image Metrics to create a rigged, digital version of Emily.

  翻译:这就是我们使用的 为Image Metrics公司 制作的写实的数字虚拟人物Emily。 。

  8. i’m the Senior Vice-President for Candent Precision Metrics.


  9. Of course, other metrics matter, too, and nuclear power has all sorts of popularity problems.

  翻译:当然,其他的标准也很重要, 核能有其他各种各样常见的问题。 。

  10. So at the best, you’re 10 percent human; more likely, about one percent human, depending on which of these metrics you like.

  翻译:最乐观的看法是: 你只是”10分之1人”, 事实上”100分之一人”更准确, 取决于你更喜欢用哪个尺度来衡量. 。

  11. Right, there are metrics… Come on, Bryan!

  翻译:别装蒜,布莱恩 我孩子快出生了。

  12. We use three metrics to determine green.

  翻译:我们用三个指标来确定绿色环保 。

  13. investors should also look at performance metrics in what we call ESG: environment, social and governance.

  翻译:投资者们还应关注另一方面的绩效指标, 就是我们称为ESG的方面: (E)环境、 (S)社会和(G)管理 。

  14. And this is what we used to give to the company image Metrics to create a rigged, digital version of Emily.

  翻译:这就是我们使用的 为Image Metrics公司 制作的写实的数字虚拟人物Emily。。

  15. We listed performance metrics for the most common stocks, but i wanted to help investors see how the stocks are doing.

  翻译:我们列出了最常用的股票指标, 但我想帮助投资者了解这些股票表现如何。 。

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