newscast是什么意思 newscast的翻译、中文解释

  newscast是什么意思 newscast的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:Plus, i don’t know which newscast you’ve been watching recently… but the First Amendment is losing its luster lately.

  翻译:我不知道你最近看的是哪家新闻 但是第一修正案渐渐褪色了。



  例句:Job’s yours if you can just get here for a newscast.

  翻译:工作的你,如果你可以只 到这里的新闻广播。。


  newscast一般作为名词使用,如在television newscaster([网络] 电视新闻播报员)、television newscasters([网络] 电视新闻广播员)、virtual newscaster(虚拟主播)等常见短语中出现较多。

  1. What about that special newscast you promised me?

  翻译:郑记者 特别采访计划怎样了。

  2. A bad day is when i blow a newscast.

  翻译:坏日子是 我搅乱一场新闻 {3cH202020}A bad day is when I blow a newscast.。

  3. “look you in the eye” sort of thing… so they’re coming to the newscast tomorrow.

  翻译:”看你的眼睛” 诸如此类的事情 – 所以他们来 明天的新闻。。

  4. Pearl Harbor part two, coming soon to a newscast.

  翻译:珍珠港事件的第二部分 就要成为新闻了。

  5. Who’s gonna do the street interviews, the newscast, you know…


  6. The lady told me that Mr Lima wants you as a journalist to cover the election campaign of the DC on behalf of our newscast.

  翻译:那位女士告诉我利马先生想让你 作为记者去报道首都的选举活动 代表我们台。

  7. And it better sweep your newscast Friday.


  8. Want to talk mature? i just wrapped up a live newscast

  翻译:{fn黑体fs22bord1shad03aHBE4aH00fscx67fscy662cHFFFFFF3cH808080}我刚刚在报道的最后 拍了自己的屁股 {fnarial blackfs12bord1shad04aH00fscx90fscy110}I just wrapped up a live newscast by honking my own boobs.。

  9. And her hair is, like, sticking’ out like this and she’s bawling’… and Daddy sees it on the 10:00 newscast.

  翻译:他头发就像这样翘着.. 爸在10点新闻上看到了。

  10. We cannot have a shameless ad for our parent company… running during the newscast.

  翻译:我们不能在新闻播报时间… 恬不知耻的给母公司打广告。

  11. i was in the biggest city in the country, i was on their flagship station and i was on their top-rated 5pm newscast.

  翻译:我在这个国家最大的城市, 我在旗舰电视台工作, 我上了他们下午5点 收视率最高的新闻节目。 。

  12. it’s a newscast from the week Hector Rodriguez disappeared.

  翻译:Hector Rodriguez失踪那星期的新闻报导。

  13. – We just saw your last newscast.

  翻译:- 我们刚刚看到 你最后的新闻广播。。

  14. And so tonight i’m beginning this newscast by joining Mr. Clarke in apologizing to the American people for our failure.

  翻译:所以 今天节目的开始 我将加入Clarke先生 向美国群众 为我们的失责而道歉。

  15. Hi, and welcome to my newscast.

  翻译:嗨,欢迎来到我的新闻广播。 。

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