例句:The fundamental importance of this ocean to the rest of the world just really can’t be overstated.
翻译:但是他们这样笨拙的原故… 我们到了 所有的北极熊 都是这样缓慢行走的。
例句:Fannie Mae overstated it’s earnings by more than $ 10 billion.
例句:Not to exceed overstated, but what you see is the future of our military,
1. Not to exceed overstated, but what you see is the future of our military,
2. i don’t know that we need to be that overstated.
3. Skyler, i may have overstated things earlier and i’m sorry to be so forward.
翻译:斯凯勒 我那天说的 可能有点夸张了 我为我的失言感到抱歉。
4. Hey, i may have overstated the power of your face.
5. Now a fair question might be, what if all this sustainability risk stuff is exaggerated, overstated, it’s not urgent, something for virtuous consumers or lifestyle choice?
翻译:有一个可能的问题, 这些所谓可持续性的风险的东西 是不是被过分夸大了? 它也许本来不是紧迫的问题, 而只是供那些善良的消费者 做生活方式上的选择的? 。
6. The importance of this moment cannot be overstated.
7. Obvious and overstated as usual, Klaus.
翻译:显然我们一如既往的低估了克劳斯 好的 大伙听着 发射。
8. (Laughter) But actually, the power to re-brand things — to understand that our experiences, costs, things don’t actually much depend on what they really are, but on how we view them — i genuinely think can’t be overstated.
翻译:(笑声) 但其实重新包装事情的力量 — 理解到其实我们的经历,代价以及其他 并不在于它们的本身, 而在于我们如何看它们 — 我真的认为它不能更加重要。 。
9. So, as she mentioned, that is overstated for sure, but that’s why they called me the godfather of modern street skating.
翻译:如她所说,确实有点言过其实, 但也正因如此, 人们称我为“现代街头滑板教父”。 。
10. One, because the benefits of the Marshall Plan have been overstated.
翻译:首先,马歇尔计划的成果被夸大了 。
11. You said the importance of a good blue suit can never be overstated.
12. Alex would come in the studio in the middle of the night with Lesa, his girlfriend and the muse of the record, whose importance cannot be overstated.
翻译:亚历克斯会来在录音室 在晚上与莱萨的中间, 女友 和记录的缪斯, 其重要性不能被夸大。。
13. (Laughter) (Applause) So the power of reframing things cannot be overstated.
翻译:(观众笑声) (掌声) 所以,再构造事情的能力 是极其重要的。 。
14. One, because the benefits of the Marshall Plan have been overstated.
15. The importance of high-quality education based in scientific evidence really can’t be overstated.
翻译:以科学证据为基础的高质量教育的 重要性不容小觑。 。