minimizing是什么意思 minimizing的翻译、中文解释

  minimizing是什么意思 minimizing的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:Fortunately, the doors and windows were open, minimizing the damage of the explosion.

  翻译:幸亏门窗都是打开的 才减低了爆炸威力。



  例句:However, we have developed other ways of minimizing cavities besides reducing our intake of sugar and starch.

  翻译:但是,我们已经发展出了 降低糖类和淀粉摄入之外减少龋齿的办法。 。


  minimizing一般作为名词使用,如在output minimizing(产量极小化)、minimizing chart(缩图)、minimizing control mode((MIN.)最小化控制方式)等常见短语中出现较多。

  1. Well, most of the world was shocked by the pictures, administration supporters were minimizing the well-documented torture.

  翻译:,世界上大多数国家是 感到震惊的图片, 管理的支持者 最大限度地减少记录的折磨。。

  2. Haven’t you built a fortune by minimizing risk?

  翻译:你的财富 不就是靠减少风险累积起来的吗?。

  3. it means limiting future risk by minimizing harm to people and planet, and it means providing capital to users who deploy it towards productive and sustainable outcomes.

  翻译:这意味着要通过降低对人和地球的危害, 来降低未来的风险。 这也意味着向用户提供资本 使他们用于有益 而且具有可持续性的成果。 。

  4. And minimizing friction turns out to be the decisive variable.

  翻译:尽量减少摩擦原来是决定性变量。 。

  5. Listen, we all stayed late after you left… and we are not minimizing your feelings in any way at all… but we all agreed it might be best if you found another group.

  翻译:那个, 在你走了之后我们都留下了 我们没有任何贬低你的任何意思 但是我们都觉得 其实你加入到别的组应该会更好。

  6. But this story’s not about eliminating it, it’s about minimizing it.

  翻译:但我要说的不是去消灭废弃物,而是尽量减少废弃物的产生。 。

  7. i also fear that the culture of rapid failure could be minimizing the devastating consequences of the failure of a business.

  翻译:我同时也害怕这种草率失败的文化 对企业失败所带来的恶劣影响 过于轻描淡写了。 。

  8. i’m an organic food-eating, carbon footprint-minimizing, robotic surgery geek.

  翻译:我吃有机食品, 我是一位低碳生活者,我沉迷于机器人手术, 。

  9. for minimizing health risks.

  翻译:这就是为什么注射剂 是优选的药物之一 为最大限度地减少健康风险。。

  10. – Everybody always talks about minimizing civilian casualties.

  翻译:- 每个人总是会谈 关于减少 平民伤亡。。

  11. But he has refined the plan by minimizing his risk.

  翻译:但是比xx年前更加安全 提高了作案技术。

  12. The idea here is, i’m minimizing the amount of material.

  翻译:这背后的逻辑就是 将使用的材料降到最少。 。

  13. And minimizing friction turns out to be the decisive variable.


  14. But this story’s not about eliminating it, it’s about minimizing it.


  15. Getting serious work done means minimizing context switches.

  翻译:完成重要任务意味着要 减少上下文切换。 。

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