theocracy是什么意思 theocracy的翻译、中文解释

  theocracy是什么意思 theocracy的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:in so doing, the guardians of secular democracy in effect yield the connection between education and values to fundamentalists, who, you can be sure, have no compunctions about using education to further their values: the absolutes of a theocracy.

  翻译:正是通过这样的方式 世俗的卫士们 已经把教育所附带的教化意义 拱手让给了 原教旨主义者 可以想象 他们不会有任何的顾虑 用教育来推广他们的价值 即教权的价值 。



  例句:Mass movements in Pakistan have been represented after the Arab uprisings mainly by organizations claiming for some form of theocracy, rather than for a democratic uprising.

  翻译:巴基斯坦的群众运动 在伯后,主要由 声称要构建某种神权政体 的组织所代表, 而不是代表一种。 。



  例句:Mass movements in Pakistan have been represented after the Arab uprisings mainly by organizations claiming for some form of theocracy, rather than for a democratic uprising.

  翻译:巴基斯坦的群众运动 在伯后,主要由 声称要构建某种神权政体 的组织所代表, 而不是代表一种。。



  例句:What that will do is avoid the problem i was talking about earlier, where currently we have political parties presenting democracy as merely a political choice in those societies alongside other choices such as military rule and theocracy.

  翻译:这样就可以 避免我先前谈到的问题, 特别是当前那些代表主义的政党 在那些社会里只是一种选择 和其他的选择一起 例如军事统治和神权。。



  1. Mass movements in Pakistan have been represented after the Arab uprisings mainly by organizations claiming for some form of theocracy, rather than for a democratic uprising.

  翻译:巴基斯坦的群众运动 在伯后,主要由 声称要构建某种神权政体 的组织所代表, 而不是代表一种。。

  2. What that will do is avoid the problem i was talking about earlier, where currently we have political parties presenting democracy as merely a political choice in those societies alongside other choices such as military rule and theocracy.

  翻译:这样就可以 避免我先前谈到的问题, 特别是当前那些代表主义的政党 在那些社会里只是一种选择 和其他的选择一起 例如军事统治和神权。。

  3. What that will do is avoid the problem i was talking about earlier, where currently we have political parties presenting democracy as merely a political choice in those societies alongside other choices such as military rule and theocracy.

  翻译:这样就可以 避免我先前谈到的问题, 特别是当前那些代表主义的政党 在那些社会里只是一种选择 和其他的选择一起 例如军事统治和神权。 。

  4. Now, we can’t support a theocracy, but we can put the military back in control.

  翻译:我们不能支持神政 最新美剧下载。

  5. And then you have a third party saying, “Vote for us; we’ll establish a theocracy.”

  翻译:这时又会有第三种党派站出来说, “给我们投票吧,我们会建立一个神权政体。” 。

  6. in so doing, the guardians of secular democracy in effect yield the connection between education and values to fundamentalists, who, you can be sure, have no compunctions about using education to further their values: the absolutes of a theocracy.

  翻译:正是通过这样的方式 世俗的卫士们 已经把教育所附带的教化意义 拱手让给了 原教旨主义者 可以想象 他们不会有任何的顾虑 用教育来推广他们的价值 即教权的价值。

  7. And then you have a third party saying, “Vote for us; we’ll establish a theocracy.”

  翻译:这时又会有第三种党派站出来说, “给我们投票吧,我们会建立一个神权政体。”。

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