punctuated是什么意思 punctuated的翻译、中文解释

  punctuated是什么意思 punctuated的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:Like we could have punctuated expressions of anger, as in riots.

  翻译:比如在中,我们会加强 愤怒的表情。 。



  例句:Working in a hide involves hours of prolonged inactivity … punctuated by the most intense moments of action.

  翻译:在藏身篷内工作 必须不动好几个小时 不时会看到最激动人心的画面。



  例句:”grackles and starlings neatly punctuated

  翻译:”白头翁之类和八哥 整洁地加标点符号。



  例句:You may think i’m wrong in this, but i think that we live in an age when our lives are regularly punctuated by career crises, by moments when what we thought we knew, about our lives, about our careers, comes into contact with a threatening sort of reality.

  翻译:你可能不这么认为 但我感觉我们活在一个充满 事业恐慌的时代 就在我们认为我们已经理解 我们的人生和事业时 真实便来恐吓我们。


  punctuated一般作为名词使用,如在quasi punctuated probe(点状探头)、punctuated equilibria(间断平衡)、punctuated equilibria theory(间断平衡论)等常见短语中出现较多。

  1. “grackles and starlings neatly punctuated

  翻译:”白头翁之类和八哥 整洁地加标点符号。

  2. You may think i’m wrong in this, but i think that we live in an age when our lives are regularly punctuated by career crises, by moments when what we thought we knew, about our lives, about our careers, comes into contact with a threatening sort of reality.

  翻译:你可能不这么认为 但我感觉我们活在一个充满 事业恐慌的时代 就在我们认为我们已经理解 我们的人生和事业时 真实便来恐吓我们。

  3. Averaging 23 feet high and 21 feet wide, the walls 5500 miles were punctuated by watchtowers.

  翻译:长城平均高7米,宽6米 5500英里的城墙中间隔着瞭望台 。

  4. The record is always trending downward, but it’s punctuated by these steep cliffs.

  翻译:这些记录总是趋向于下降, 但总会被一些陡峭的“斜坡”打断。 。

  5. Like we could have punctuated expressions of anger, as in riots.

  翻译:比如在中,我们会加强 愤怒的表情。。

  6. She is Punctuated Evolution made real!


  7. i know this because look at how punctuated meal time is when they are no longer in their particular rooms here. Right?

  翻译:我知道这些是因为当他们不住在自己的屋子时, 他们的吃饭时间都很准。对吧? 。

  8. Extroverts, when they interact, want to have lots of social encounter punctuated by closeness.

  翻译:外向者在与人互动时, 喜欢肢体接触, 喜欢亲近对方。 。

  9. This is Niles Eldredge. He was the co-developer with Stephen Jay Gould of the theory of punctuated equilibrium.

  翻译:这是尼尔斯·艾崔奇,他和史蒂芬·古尔德一起提出了 间断平衡理论。 。

  10. “punctuated by episodes of extremeviolence.

  翻译:”由于若干极端暴力事件 Franco先生有严重暴力幻觉。

  11. You’ve entirely missed the point of the poem because you’ve used an edition of the text that is inauthentically punctuated.

  翻译:你完全没抓到整首诗的重点 因为你用了错误的版本 它的标点断句都是错的 根据盖纳的版本…。

  12. it was vast stretches of boredom punctuated by moments of sheer terror.

  翻译:是一股漫延的烦躁与无聊 夹杂着一些惊恐…。

  13. This is Niles Eldredge. He was the co-developer with Stephen Jay Gould of the theory of punctuated equilibrium.

  翻译:这是尼尔斯·艾崔奇,他和史蒂芬·古尔德一起提出了 间断平衡理论。。

  14. i know this because look at how punctuated meal time is when they are no longer in their particular rooms here. Right?

  翻译:我知道这些是因为当他们不住在自己的屋子时, 他们的吃饭时间都很准。对吧?。

  15. it’s punctuated by three quick anecdotes, which show how accidental encounters with strange noises gave us some of the most important information we have about space.

  翻译:其穿插的 三段轶事 展示了与奇怪声音的偶然相遇 是怎样给我们 带来了关于太空的一些 最重要的信息的。。

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