例句:But then, Pangaea started to split apart, forming a sea of lava that would one day become the Atlantic Ocean, spewing toxic gas into the atmosphere and mass extinction number four.
翻译:然而,开始裂开, 形成了未来成为 大西洋的岩浆海洋, 将有毒气体喷进大气, 于是有了第四次生物大灭绝。 。
例句:You’re all smiles, spewing out all this jargon with these two in tow.
例句:We are spewing 110 million tons of heat-trapping global warming pollution into it every 24 hours, free of charge, go ahead.
翻译:我们每24小时喷出1.1亿吨 导致全球变暖的吸热污染物, 免费的,继续吧。 。
例句:Look at you just drunkenly spewing out joy like a shit Santa. – Yep.
翻译:妮可度过了一夜了 Backie和我们战斗。。
spewing一般作为名词使用,如在spewing machine([化] 压出机)、spewing out((使)喷涌出
1. We are spewing 110 million tons of heat-trapping global warming pollution into it every 24 hours, free of charge, go ahead.
翻译:我们每24小时喷出1.1亿吨 导致全球变暖的吸热污染物, 免费的,继续吧。 。
2. Look at you just drunkenly spewing out joy like a shit Santa. – Yep.
翻译:妮可度过了一夜了 Backie和我们战斗。。
3. The National Security Advisor was actually spewing expletives on the tarmac — no red carpet, kind of left out the bottom of the plane along with all the media and everybody else.
翻译:顾问站在柏油路面上 咒骂着—— 总统没有红地毯铺路, 就直接从飞机上下来, 还和媒体还有其他人混在一起! 。
4. i ate something from this place, and three hours later, i was spewing like an open hydrant.
翻译:我某个地方吃了早饭 3个钟头后 我就像开闸的消防栓一样呕吐不止。
5. “you people in your big cars, spewing pollution into the air?
翻译:…you people in your big cars… …却不断地将大气污染 …spewing pollution into the air?。
6. i can’t ask for your support without you just spewing out constant judgments?
7. Spewing out sin onto Florence’s streets!
8. i took money from a criminal- a lowlife hate-spewing drug dealer- one time… to pay for my wife’s cancer surgery down in Mexico.
翻译:我花了来自一个罪犯的钱 — 下层阶级的人吐憎恨的药物经销商。
9. i started spewing tales of adventure, in out reach.. And i didn’t mean to lie..
翻译:我开始胡扯松动, 我不会说谎 -。
10. Dude, can you even open your mouth without spewing a cultural stereotype?
翻译:拜托 你能不能说话别带文化歧视? 哦 我…。
11. it’s sickening. Blood spewing from their eyes, arms, chests…
翻译:令人发指 血液从人们的眼睛 胳膊 胸口 喷涌而出。
12. And you’ve spent half your life spewing bullshit, Peter.
翻译:你生命中有一半的时间 都在废话 彼得。
13. But if you take a different approach, and you think of very large-scale integration, very advanced materials, very advanced manufacturing — so you’re pouring chemicals in one end, iPods are spewing out the other — and really cool design, that’s what we wanted to do.
翻译:但是如果你用另外一种方式去做,用一种高度集成的方式、 使用非常先进的材料、先进的制作工艺, 那么你输入的是化学原料,得到的是像iPod一样的产品, 非常酷的设计,这才是我们想要做的。 。
14. My words are my sperm spewing forth my– [knock on door]
翻译:我的话是我的 喷涌出来my –。
15. How the hell can we, with you spewing pus all over the room?