例句:You bought some dresses from my brother, Dennis… that were made in a sweatshop in the basement of our bar.
翻译:你从我哥哥丹尼斯那买的衣服… 都是在我们酒吧的 地下室的血汗工厂里完成的。
例句:Found ’em in a Chinatown sweatshop.
1. From the mountaintops of North Korea to the jungles of Zimbabwe, let every child laborer and sweatshop factory worker sing,
翻译:从的山顶到津巴布韦的丛林 让每一个童工和被剥削的工人 一齐高歌:。
2. it’s like sweatshop wages.
翻译:从时薪来看 这是血汗工厂的薪资吧。
3. She’ll love it. She can stay down there all day. -Sounds like a sweatshop, Dad.
翻译:你知道,我爱我的儿子们, 但是我也一直想要个女儿。
4. Except here, a bunch of good capitalists ran in for cheap leases, tax incentives, immigrant labor, sweatshop economics.
翻译:除了这里 一群”机灵的”资本家 Except here, a bunch of good capitalists 争相跑来享受廉价租赁 税收优惠 ran in for cheap leases, tax incentives, 移民劳工 血汗工厂的经济 immigrant labor, sweatshop economics.。
5. i think i found your sweatshop.
6. She put a tracker on the sweatshop boss So she could follow him to Chen lo.
翻译:她在黑厂老板身上放了 因此她能通过它追踪陈楼。
7. They’ll think i’m running some kind of sweatshop.
8. Looks like Nikita hit the sweatshop,
9. So, i work in sweatshop, save money, come here.
翻译:come here.。
10. in a sweatshop! in a sweatshop!
翻译:- 在一个血汗工厂里,血汗工厂!。
11. So we sort of set up a mini-sweatshop in the Media Lab and brought undergrads in and convinced them to do “research” — (Laughter) and had late nights watching movies, eating pizza and screwing in thousands of screws.
翻译:因此,我们在媒体实验室 建立了一个小型的“血汗工厂”, 招募了一些本科生, 并说服他们这是在参与“研究”—— (笑声) 之后便有了在深夜 看着电影,吃着披萨, 拧着成千上万的螺丝的场景。 。
12. i have better food in sweatshop.
翻译:我在血汗商店里吃的都比这个更好 {b0shad1fs14fn微软雅黑3cH202020}I have better food in sweatshop.。
13. There’s no weaponry from Lord of the Rings forged in a Chinese sweatshop?
翻译:这里没有中国血汗工厂伪造的那种 There’s no weaponry from Lord of the Rings 《指环王》里的武器吗 forged in a Chinese sweatshop?。
14. The guy was obviously running a sweatshop.
翻译:我认为他一直让 童工每天工作十六小时。
15. That’s one sweatshop, an upholsterer, and an awning manufacturer.
翻译:那可是家血汗工厂啊 装潢和雨蓬制造商。