例句:The East African savannahs alone sustain nearly two million wildebeest.
翻译:仅生活在东非稀树大草原的角马就接近两百万(注: 角马属羚羊的一种)。
例句:And if two lions go back, they’ll outnumber the wildebeest on the right bank.
翻译:而如果让两只狮子同时返回 又会导致狮子的数量多于牛羚 。
1. Now, if the wildebeest stays and the lion returns, there will be three lions on the right bank.
翻译:然后 如果让牛羚待在对岸 让狮子返回 那么一边就会有三头狮子 。
2. The dogs now have the numbers to bring the wildebeest down.
翻译:The dogs now have the numbers to bring the wildebeest down. 现在野狗数量足够多 能将角马扑倒。
3. And with the wildebeest come flying insects… billions of them.
翻译:围绕牛羚群飞舞着不计其数的昆虫 {3cH202020}And with the wildebeest come flying insects – billions of them.。
4. But as the wildebeest reach the other side, a four-metre wall blocks their path.
翻译:但是当动物们到达对岸时 一堵四米高的河岸堵住了它们的去路。
5. You call getting attacked by a wildebeest, fun?
翻译:你认为这是有趣的 被攻击?。
6. if two wildebeest go, the one that stays will get eaten, and if one of each animal goes, the wildebeest on the raft will be outnumbered as soon as it reaches the other side.
翻译:如果同时让两只牛羚渡河 剩下的一只就会被吃掉 如果每种动物各取一只 那么小木筏上的牛羚 在到达对岸时就会被吃掉 。
7. Some groups are 800 strong and they crop the high meadows like herds of wildebeest.
翻译:有的甚至能达到800只 如同散布在高山草场上的角马群。
8. The third lion takes the raft back to the right bank where the wildebeest are waiting.
翻译:第三头狮子独自返回 原来的一边还是有三只牛羚 。
9. And the wildebeest lounges, lazy and self-content.
10. Only one thing attracts more flies than the wildebeest… lions that have eaten wildebeest.
翻译:能比牛羚吸引更多苍蝇的只有一样东西 {3cH202020}Only one thing attracts more flies than the wildebeest… Lions that have eaten wildebeest. 他们可能一口吞了蜥蜴 {3cH202020}they could swat the lizard。
11. Catching the wildebeest is all about timing.
翻译:Catching the wildebeest is all about timing. 捕获角马只是时间问题。
12. “We’re like the lonely wildebeest bleating his plaintive poetry to the infinite herd”
翻译:我们就像孤独的角马 对广大的群体发出悲鸣的诗篇。
13. Good news: the wildebeest is in the curry.
翻译:好消息 羚羊已经在吃咖喱了。
14. Hey dad, do you even know what a wildebeest is? Sure it’s
15. She was tall, dark, handsome, hung like a wildebeest…