例句:So, what’s a nice girl like you doing at a snobbish school like Manchester?
翻译:你这种好女孩 为什么来这么势利的学校?。
例句:This is return! Just snobbish!
翻译:报应嘛,这香真刺眼唷 {cH00FFFF}{3cH000000}This is return!。
例句:You women are so snobbish, how vain!
翻译:你们女人 太过瞧不起人,太虚伪。
1. You women are so snobbish, how vain!
翻译:你们女人 太过瞧不起人,太虚伪。
2. You’ve never once felt that they’re snobbish, shallow… superficial
翻译:你难道不以为 他们自以为高人一等 觉得他们肤浅恶心。
3. Getting a bit snobbish, are we?
翻译:三爷 你架子也太大了些。
4. Showbiz is really snobbish.
5. You’re being way too snobbish. Wait ’til you meet her.
翻译:你也太自命不凡了, 你甚至还没见她一面。
6. He became very emo, i believe very snobbish, but … still consider you my friend.
翻译:他变得非常情绪, 我相信很势利,但, 仍然认为你是我的朋友。。
7. She is the best mom you could hope to have in your stupid school, you snobbish Pre-K Nazi queen!
翻译:她肯定是你那个学校里 最好的老妈 你个学前班势利鬼。
8. i haven’t a snobbish bone in mybody.
9. i went to a very elitist, snobbish, expensive education in india, and that almost destroyed me.
翻译:我曾在印度的一个非常优秀,势利, 学费昂贵的学校读书。 这学校几乎毁了我。。
10. Ghislain sounds snobbish, like he wears little velvet knickers.
翻译:吉斯兰听起来太愚蠢了 听起来像穿着棉毛裤。
11. They want snobbish stories about the rock stars’ genius.
翻译:他们只希望你能在报章上 对他们的摇滚歌手 歌颂美言几句。
12. Sniveling, snobbish, stupid runts.
翻译:都是哭哭啼啼的 势利的 愚蠢的小垃圾 Sniveling, snobbish, stupid runts.。
13. Your snobbish, bourgeois girlfriend has something else to say…
14. You could’ve cut off her high-flown snobbish nose and she’d still smell a sheet that had hung outside from one baked in the dryer.
翻译:你把她尖酸鼻砍掉 她也闻得到哪些床单晒过 哪些放在烘干机里过。
15. is this the contest for the most snobbish orgy or what??