例句:Of gas debris and dust That swirled
例句:Half chocolate, half vanilla, side by side, not swirled? – Yes.
翻译:一半巧克力 一半香草 不搅混?。
例句:During that time, various rumors and speculations have swirled around our Watanabe-san.
翻译:During that time, various rumors and speculations have swirled around our Watanabe。
swirled一般作为名词使用,如在swirled lamination(卷曲纹理)等常见短语中出现较多。
1. During that time, various rumors and speculations have swirled around our Watanabe-san.
翻译:During that time, various rumors and speculations have swirled around our Watanabe。
2. – just swirled away to God knows where.
3. Because of the timing of his death so soon after the coup, rumors swirled that he had died of sadness or even been assassinated, but the hospital recorded his cause of death as cancer.
翻译:因为他过世的时间 就在之后, 流言传说他死于悲伤 甚至是暗杀, 但是医院记录了 他是死于癌症。 。
4. What in the name of all things cinnamon swirled is a full-grown dragon doin’ here in Equestria?
翻译:一只成年的龙究竟在小马国 做什么乱七八糟的事情?。
5. Right, uh, yeah, a swirled cone with rainbow sprinkles, please.
翻译:好,要一个螺旋的 彩虹冰淇淋,麻烦你。
6. i asked for that side-by-side, not swirled.
翻译:我问,端侧, 不众说纷纭。。
7. it’s filled simultaneously with heartbreaking sweetness and beauty, desperate poverty, floods and babies and acne and Mozart, all swirled together.
翻译:生命同时充满了令人心碎的甜蜜和美丽, 令人绝望的贫困, 以及洪水、婴儿、和莫扎特, 全都缠绕在一起。 。
8. So if someone were to actually sneeze, that air would get swirled around multiple times before it even has a chance to go out through the filter.
翻译:所以如果有人打了个喷嚏, 周围的空气就会呈漩涡态反复打转, 然后才有机会从过滤器排出。 。
9. Swirled cone with rainbow sprinkles.
10. Matter, converted from energy, swirled and compressed itself into stars
翻译:能量转换成物质 旋转压缩形成恒星。
11. You want it swirled or side by side?
12. Monstrous creatures and horrendous sounds rushed out in a cloud of smoke and swirled around her, screeching and cackling.
翻译:一群怪物和恐怖的声音冲了出来, 变成了一朵乌云围绕着她, 发出尖厉地咯咯笑声。 。
13. As the steam swirled around me i saw the overwhelming power of science.
翻译:被卷进强力的蒸气中时 我亲眼目睹了 科学的压倒性力量。