snowstorm是什么意思 snowstorm的翻译、中文解释

  snowstorm是什么意思 snowstorm的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:Ryan, i’m not some waitress you banged in a snowstorm.

  翻译:瑞恩,我不是你在一场 暴风雪中搞过的某个女招待。



  例句:”and the lower, like after a snowstorm.

  翻译:”从下面看 就像是下花瓣雨。



  例句:Ah, first one’s on me. Call it a snowstorm special.

  翻译:第一杯我请 算是暴风雪。



  例句:Wait, you think this is a snowstorm? This is nothing.

  翻译:等等 你觉得这叫暴风雪?。


  snowstorm一般作为名词使用,如在lake effect snowstorm(湖泊效应雪暴)等常见短语中出现较多。

  1. Ah, first one’s on me. Call it a snowstorm special.

  翻译:第一杯我请 算是暴风雪。

  2. Wait, you think this is a snowstorm? This is nothing.

  翻译:等等 你觉得这叫暴风雪?。

  3. Well, working with the safe organisms that we normally work with, the chance of an accident happening with somebody accidentally creating, like, some sort of superbug, that’s literally about as probable as a snowstorm in the middle of the Sahara Desert.

  翻译:我可以这样说,使用常规安全的生物体 事故发生的几率 就像不小心创造出 某种超级细菌一样 就同一场暴雪 降临在沙哈拉沙漠正中一样小。

  4. As more and more families take to the air, they create a snowstorm of geese that confuses the eagle.

  翻译:随着越来越多的家庭加入到空中 形成了一场雪暴借以迷惑鹰。

  5. That wasn’t even the worst snowstorm ever.


  6. Us. Two people meeting in a snowstorm.

  翻译:咱俩 两个人在暴风雪中相遇。

  7. it’s so beautiful in Denver today it’s hard to believe a snowstorm could be close.

  翻译:う︱さぱ㎝ら腞 螟称钩初忌撤碞璶羬。

  8. You’re in no shape to head into that snowstorm, young man.

  翻译:你不像是能 经得起暴风雪 年轻人。

  9. A snowstorm is like a present from God.


  10. We’re in a virtual snowstorm of confetti here in Times Square.


  11. i have to tell them that the architect of our entire defense has been arrested for running naked in a snowstorm, chasing the plaintiffs through a parking lot.

  翻译:告诉他们我们这案子的首席辩护律师被逮逋了 …因为他在暴风雪中裸奔,并在停车场追赶原告。

  12. They had to survive a snowstorm in August and interferences from bystanders — that little spotted seal enjoying a ride.

  翻译:它们要承受住xx月的暴风雪 和外来的干扰– 那只小斑点海狗“搭车”搭得很开心 。

  13. On the last trip, on his way home… he ran into a snowstorm, a big blizzard.

  翻译:结果呢,这趟回来 在路中就给赶上了风雪 特别大。

  14. Boylston Street, because of the St. Patrick’s Day snowstorm, which my street was never plowed.

  翻译:应为圣帕特里克节那天的暴风雪 我的街没有被除雪。

  15. The river was rising, and a snowstorm was coming.


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