playfully是什么意思 playfully的翻译、中文解释

  playfully是什么意思 playfully的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:i feel like i’ve been playfully mauled by a really sweet grizzly.

  翻译:我觉得我一直在开玩笑打伤 是一个非常甜蜜的灰熊。。



  例句:So, like a fly Brundlefly breaks down solds wth a corrosve enzyme playfully called “vomt drop. “

  翻译:像苍蝇一样,布朗多用蛋白酸 把东西分解,这叫食物分解法。



  1. But she could also be cold, playfully cruel… and rebuff me.

  翻译:但是她又那么冷漠 开玩笑似的残酷 她回绝我。

  2. My mother, who i playfully call “Linda T,” was my first example of real love and what showing up as a healthy co-parent looked like.

  翻译:我开玩笑地叫 我母亲“琳达· T(Linda T)”, 她为真正的爱做了表率, 也有一个健康的 共同抚养者该有的样子。 。

  3. What if i had playfully pulled the trigger then?




  5. Our universe may be contained within one such brane, floating in an unknown higher dimensional place, playfully named “the bulk,” or hyperspace.

  翻译:我们的宇宙可能存在于 一个这样的膜之中, 漂浮在一个未知的高纬度空间, 叫做 “体宇宙”,或超空间。 。

  6. We must bid farewell to this country in good spirits, playfully and merrily!


  7. Diana Reiss: You may think you’re looking through a window at a dolphin spinning playfully, but what you’re actually looking through is a two-way mirror at a dolphin looking at itself spinning playfully.

  翻译:Diana Reiss: 从窗户这看过去 你可能以为是一只海豚为了找乐子,旋身打转 但其实你正透过一面双面镜 看到一只海豚 对着镜子转着玩 。

  8. Oh, joyfully, oh, playfully, watching me

  翻译:很爽快? ? 哦,快乐,。

  9. [bells tolling] [boys shouting playfully nearby]

  翻译:[钟声收费] [男生开玩笑喊附近]。

  10. But of course, what sets us apart from anything else on the planet is the processor, which we playfully refer to as the Magic Broomstick.

  翻译:当然了 相比其他地方 我们独一无二的地方是 But of course, what sets us apart from anything else on the planet 处理器 我们私底下叫它”魔法扫帚” is the processor, which we playfully refer to as the Magic Broomstick.。

  11. They were touring one of the new modern factories, and Ford playfully turns to Reuther and says, “Hey Walter, how are you going to get these robots to pay union dues?”

  翻译:他们一起参观最现代化的汽车工厂, 然后福特开玩笑地对鲁瑟说: “嘿,沃尔特,你怎么让这些机器人 来支付工会会费?” 。

  12. On her wedding day, she playfully hid herself in a chest.

  翻译:结婚那天 她把自己藏在一个箱子里头。

  13. the term “kidnap” is being used playfully.

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