predictors是什么意思 predictors的翻译、中文解释

  predictors是什么意思 predictors的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:Computers are the most accurate predictors of future threats that we have left.

  翻译:计算机是目前我们拥有的 Computers are the most accurate predictors 最能准确预测未来威胁的设备了 of future threats that we have left.。



  例句:And so we know that, for example, openness and conscientiousness are very good predictors of life success, but the open people achieve that success through being audacious and, occasionally, odd.

  翻译:众所周知, 开放性和责任感 往往意味着成功, 但开放的人在通往 成功之路上变得大胆, 有时甚至古怪。 。



  例句:But what Gottman and his team found was that one of the most important predictors for whether or not a couple is going to get divorced was how positive or negative each partner was being in the conversation.

  翻译:但是,Gottman 和他的团队发现 最能够准确预测 这对夫妻是否未来会离婚的 是双方在对话过程中 积极还是消极。 。



  例句:And the predictors were correct.

  翻译:这种预测是对的 。


  predictors一般作为名词使用,如在predictors of technology(un. 技术预测者)等常见短语中出现较多。

  1. But what Gottman and his team found was that one of the most important predictors for whether or not a couple is going to get divorced was how positive or negative each partner was being in the conversation.

  翻译:但是,Gottman 和他的团队发现 最能够准确预测 这对夫妻是否未来会离婚的 是双方在对话过程中 积极还是消极。 。

  2. And the predictors were correct.

  翻译:这种预测是对的 。

  3. Those interactions are one of the strongest predictors of how long you’ll live.

  翻译:这些互动,都是最能影响寿命的 因素之一。 。

  4. Those are the usual predictors of a runaway, but Samantha was adopted.

  翻译:这只是离家出走前的普通征兆 但是Samantha是被收养的。

  5. We also took out predictors for which experts told us they cannot be rigorously measured by doctors in real life.

  翻译:我们还剔除了一些变量, 因为医师无法精准测出这些变量。 。

  6. One of the best predictors is the sheer volume of compositions that they generate.

  翻译:其中一个最好的预测, 就是他们产出的作品的量有多大。 。

  7. Our clients are benefiting from 85 years of employment research, which shows that work samples are one of the best predictors of success on the job.

  翻译:从xx年的职场雇佣研究资料里, 我们的客户可以看到 预测职场成功与否的 最好方式就是工作实例。 。

  8. Whether you were drinking and quit, or whether you’re a moderate drinker, whether you don’t smoke, or if you did, whether you quit, and getting towards the top predictors are two features of your social life.

  翻译:然后是,你是否酗酒然后戒掉了 又或许是你是适度饮酒。 然后,吸烟否,如果吸烟, 那么你是否戒掉了, 马上到影响最大的因素了: 这就是你社交生活的两大特点。 。

  9. One of the foundational insights of social psychology is that attitudes are very weak predictors of behaviors, but more importantly than that, no Black community has ever taken to the streets to demand that white people would love us more.

  翻译:一个社会心理学的基本观点是, 人们的态度是他们行为的 一个非常微弱的预测指标, 但更重要的是, 没有一个黑人社区曾走上街头 要求白人多爱我们一些。 。

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