例句:Premier Tsuge identified the giant monster as another Godzilla.
翻译:柘植指出 昨晚在房总半岛登陆的。
例句:it’s been three years since Mr. Tsuge went missing after that peacekeeping operation.
翻译:从PKO回来的柘植先生 已经失踪xx年了吧。
例句:Do you have anything else on Tsuge?
tsuge一般作为名词使用,如在Ptochoryctis tsugensis(铁杉蛀蛾)、uloma tsugeae(奋起湖匏胸拟步行虫)等常见短语中出现较多。
1. Do you have anything else on Tsuge?
2. if Tsuge hadn’t been married, it wouldn’t have mattered.
翻译:如果他没有妻小的话 事情也许就能圆满解决。
3. if this is about you and Mr. Tsuge, that’s ancient history.
4. Produced by Masayuki Mori, Yasushi Tsuge and Takio Yoshida
5. You stood a good chance of arresting Tsuge, but you didn’t go for it.
翻译:逮捕到他的可能性明明很大 但你却不这么做。
6. Anyway, we’re getting together with the other Tsuge School graduates tonight.
翻译:我看就这样吧 今晚柘植学校的毕业生有聚会。
7. You had to stop Tsuge from carrying out his plans… but it would be for nothing if Tsuge divulged the scope of your organization.
翻译:虽然必须阻止柘植的计划 但是如果他说出组识的全貌 那么你就前功尽弃了。
8. i wonder, maybe Tsuge wants to test us.
9. Quiet so far, but there’s no telling if any of Tsuge’s people were mixed in… with the units that have been stationed inside Tokyo.
翻译:目前还蛮平静的 如果进入都内的当中 混入与柘植相互勾结的。
10. Hurray Tsuge! You’ re so cool!
11. You know about the “Tsuge School”?
12. We’ll have Tsuge himself tell us.
13. But before all that, prior to the formation of a Tokyo Police Labor force… their HQ sent an officer to the Tsuge School to be briefed and trained.
翻译:我先问你 在警视厅创设LABOR小队之前 总部特别指派了一位警官 到柘植学校去上课。
14. When Tsuge changed the plan from a mere political demonstration… into an all-out plan to start a war and then disappeared… he left you people in the lurch.
翻译:变更原本单纯的计划 真心想引起战争而消失踪影的他 将你逼上了绝路。
15. But even if you’re right and the peace that we enjoy in this city is a false one… the war that Tsuge has created is just as much an illusion.