tapia是什么意思 tapia的翻译、中文解释

  tapia是什么意思 tapia的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:All right, ladies. We cannot take a burn tonight or Tapia walks.

  翻译:好了,们,今晚是我们最后的机会了 为了抓住塔皮亚。


  tapia一般作为名词使用,如在Spinal Tapian([网络] 脊椎Tapian)、Villanueva de Tapia([地名] 塔皮亚新镇 ( 西 ))、Tapia de Casariego([地名] 塔皮亚-德卡萨列戈 ( 西 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

  1. Palm Mortuary, owned by an offshore holding company… which, after 17 layers of bullshit… turns out to be registered to Donna Maria Tapia… mother of Hector Juan Carlos Tapia, who calls himself Johnny.

  翻译:棕榈殡仪馆,属于一家离岸控股公司… … ……。

  2. That was pre-vehicular manslaughter. Not to mention Johnny Tapia


  3. We got info that Tapia’s got a casket coming in tomorrow at 4:00 p.m.


  4. Johnny Tapia is cutting up Russian mob bosses in his mom’s kitchen.


  5. You gonna help us find Dixie 7… and tell us what that boat has to do with Johnny Tapia.

  翻译:你要帮我们找出迪克西七号… … 告诉我们那艘船和强尼?塔皮亚有什么关系。

  6. i, me, Johnny Tapia, will sever your head off!


  7. Dr. Tapia. No other forensic had Contact with the body.

  翻译:塔皮亚法医,除此之外, 没有人接触过这具尸体。

  8. i’m the state’s attorney for Madison County, Phil Tapia.

  翻译:我是麦迪逊郡的检察官 Phil Tapia。

  9. This section of the interstate is a forfeiture corridor, a place where the police and the state’s attorney, Phil Tapia, make their money from the war on drugs by illegally impounding cars and cash.

  翻译:是警方和州检察官Phil Tapia 借缉毒之名非法扣押汽车和现金 中饱私囊的地方。

  10. Agent Eames, FBi… who has just informed me… that satellite pinpointed Tapia’s jet in Cuban airspace 20 minutes ago.

  翻译:艾梅斯特工,联邦调查局的 …… 他们刚告诉我…。

  11. – This is Tapia’s compound.


  12. We got this peckerwood that’ll put us down… with the transport end of Tapia’s operation.

  翻译:我们找到了个家伙… … ……。

  13. Well, Mr. Tapia, i don’t know where the heat is coming from.


  14. Johnny Tapia has the perfect cover.


  15. – We’ll plant a couple gypsy wires… find out what Tapia’s up to.

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