substituting是什么意思 substituting的翻译、中文解释

  substituting是什么意思 substituting的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:i’m from the Care Center. i’m substituting for Yoko, just for today.

  翻译:我从医护中心来 今天替良子的班。



  例句:What are you going to do about the classes Teacher Kang has been substituting?



  substituting一般作为名词使用,如在import substituting(un. 取代进口货的工业

  [网络] 进口代替)、import substituting economy(进口替代型经济)、import substituting industry([法]进口替代工业)等常见短语中出现较多。

  1. i’m not really a teacher. i’m only substituting to pay the bills.


  2. My learned patient is not above substituting brandy for cocoa.

  翻译:看我那博学的病人 是不是用白兰地冒充可可。。

  3. You know, i’m substituting for Julie next week.


  4. There has been a lot of competition in the past, and we need to develop a new model of partnership, truly collaborative, where we are looking for complementing, not substituting.

  翻译:过去有许多组织互相竞争 我们需要建立一个新的 基于真诚合作 的模式 互补 而不是互相取代 。

  5. You’re substituting my bosoms for your mother’s.

  翻译:你只是把我的 当成的了。

  6. “We’re so lucky to have Principal Anderson substituting.”


  7. Substituting for Ames is number 23, Ryan Henson.


  8. in a complete shocker, the challenger, McNuggets, has been scratched, and substituting for him is 9-year-old Kenny Mccormick.

  翻译:对战十个月大的考尼什鸡麦乐鸡 挑战者麦乐鸡由于过度吓尿无法上场 代替它的则是xx岁的肯尼·麦考米克。

  9. We’ve been spending the last few decades accumulating a very powerful backlog of technologies for saving and substituting for oil, and no one had bothered to add them up before.

  翻译:我们过去已经花了几xx年的时间 积累了非常强大的技术力量 用于节约石油和探索替代燃料 在以前没人费心去探讨这些问题。

  10. Somebody said you’re substituting another piece for the Mozart.

  翻译:有人说你要替补演奏 莫扎特那段作品 是吗。

  11. My name is Natalie French. i’ll be substituting for Dr Gregory.

  翻译:我叫Natalie French 我将代替Gregory博士给你们上课 My name is Natalie French.。

  12. work within companies like yours… often substituting counterfeit drugs for the real ones… sometimes just cutting the dose to cut costs.

  翻译:出在你们这样的公司内部 …work within companies like yours… 通常用假冒药品替换正品… often substituting counterfeit drugs for the real ones…。

  13. it involves substituting “and” for “but” — not “i am here but i have cancer,” but rather, “i have cancer and i am here.”

  翻译:这需要把“但是”转换成“而且” 不是“我在这儿但是我有癌症” 而是,“我有癌症而且我在这里。” 。

  14. i had invented DryBath, the world’s first bath-substituting lotion.

  翻译:我发明了DryBath,世界上首款 洗澡替代乳液。。

  15. There has been a lot of competition in the past, and we need to develop a new model of partnership, truly collaborative, where we are looking for complementing, not substituting.

  翻译:过去有许多组织互相竞争 我们需要建立一个新的 基于真诚合作 的模式 互补 而不是互相取代。

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