例句:So, from now on you will not enter that hospital… unless under the supervision of the attendant, as part of the curriculum… and you will steer clear of Dean Walcott.
翻译:从今起,你不能进入那医院… 除非是课程的一部分… 并离华克院长远点。
例句:Dean Walcott thinks otherwise… but my grades are way above par.
翻译:华克院长不认为… 但我的成绩出众。
1. Dr. Barbara Walcott. Barbara is Dr. Pinchelow and his partner Dr. Chrismas.
翻译:{1cH00FF00}而是宾其劳博士和他的 助手,圣诞博士。。
2. See, Rocky Marciano… he’s gettin’ready for that Jersey Joe Walcott fight.
翻译:洛奇 马西奥 他准备参加泽西沃克特拳赛。
3. Now, uh, Dean Walcott is a- a pain in the ass… but i depend on him to keep me up to speed on what’s going on around here… and i would never take the word of any student over his.
翻译:这华克院长… 是很麻烦… 但我得靠他来掌握这里的里里外外…。
4. i think Walcott has a point. it’s a hospital.
5. i’m looking fora mrs. Walcott’s house.
6. i want you to take this package and what you deliver to the president of the conference, Dr. Walcott.
翻译:{1cH00FF00}我想你帮我将这个盒子亲手交给 会议团长的沃尔科特博士。。
7. McCoy, USS Enterprise. McGrath, USS Walcott.
翻译:McCoy 星舰企业号 McGrath 星舰Walcott号。
8. – Uh,mrs. Walcott,i presume?
翻译:- 嗯 Walcott太太 就是你吧?。
9. Dr. Walcott had a wonderful idea.
10. Oh, no. Walcott found out about our borrowed supplies.
11. i’m mrs. Emmeline walcott, and i’m at 42 old mill road.
翻译:我是Emmeline Walcott太太 我在老山路42号。
12. You told Walcott i cheated.
13. Do you have any idea what Walcott has on you?
14. How precious are these lines from the poet Derek Walcott?
翻译:诗人德里克·沃尔科特写的 那首诗是多珍贵啊! 。
15. Uh, before we adjourn Dean Walcott has a brief announcement.