1. West’s Law Research Database的缩写形式,可以翻译为:西方法律研究数据库,用于领域。示例:。1.西方法律研究数据库
例句:The best evidence for that was that when he was at Stanford, he also downloaded the whole Westlaw legal database. in a project with Stanford law students, Swartz had downloaded the Westlaw legal database.
翻译:为的是从中发现些什么有趣的事 {fnTahomafs141cH3CF1F3}in order to learn interesting things about them. 他也下载了整个万律的法律数据库 {fnTahomafs141cH3CF1F3}he also downloaded the whole Westlaw legal database. 斯沃茨下载了万律的法律数据库 {fnTahomafs141cH3CF1F3}Swartz had downloaded the Westlaw legal database.。