例句:it was tweeted, blogged about, shared and reached millions of people.
翻译:她的故事在推特和博客上广为流传。 。
例句:i once tweeted, “Where in Melbourne can i buy a neti pot?”
翻译:我曾经发微博问墨尔本哪里有卖洗鼻壶(neti pot)? 。
例句:A couple of months later, i was in Manhattan, and i tweeted for a crash pad, and at midnight, i’m on the Lower East Side, and it occurs to me i’ve never actually done this alone.
翻译:几个月之后,我在曼哈顿 发微博希望找一个过夜的地方,午夜时分 我在下东区(Lower East Side)按一户人家的门铃, 然后我突然意识到我从来没有一个人借宿过。 。
例句:And then i waited again, but this time i read through almost every tweet i had ever tweeted to convince myself, no, to remind myself that i’m really funny and that if nobody gets it, that’s fine.
翻译:然后我又开始等, 但是这一次, 我几乎读完了 我曾经发过的所有推文, 以此说服自己, 不对……是提醒自己, 我其实很幽默, 如果别人看不懂,那就算了吧。 。
1. A couple of months later, i was in Manhattan, and i tweeted for a crash pad, and at midnight, i’m on the Lower East Side, and it occurs to me i’ve never actually done this alone.
翻译:几个月之后,我在曼哈顿 发微博希望找一个过夜的地方,午夜时分 我在下东区(Lower East Side)按一户人家的门铃, 然后我突然意识到我从来没有一个人借宿过。 。
2. And then i waited again, but this time i read through almost every tweet i had ever tweeted to convince myself, no, to remind myself that i’m really funny and that if nobody gets it, that’s fine.
翻译:然后我又开始等, 但是这一次, 我几乎读完了 我曾经发过的所有推文, 以此说服自己, 不对……是提醒自己, 我其实很幽默, 如果别人看不懂,那就算了吧。 。
3. i don’t know. Someone re-tweeted it.
翻译:我也不知道 有人转发的。
4. But alluding to the country’s continual attempts to build a postracial society after being ravaged for decades by apartheid, i tweeted, #ifafricawasabar South Africa would be drinking all kinds of alcohol and begging them to get along in its stomach.
翻译:但是这个猜测 影南非的持续努力, 在被种族隔离政策蹂躏了几xx年后, 它想打造一个后种族歧视的社会。 我发了一条推文: #如果非洲是个酒吧, 南非一口气喝干了各种各样的酒, 然后苦苦哀求把它赶紧消化掉。 。
5. So i did what i usually do when i’m angry: i tweeted.
翻译:所以我做了 我每次生气都会做的事情: 发推特。 。
6. i just want to know if she tweeted that guy again.
翻译:我想知道,如果它有 那家伙再次啾啾。。
7. Hannah just tweeted it was aspirin, not painkillers.
翻译:哈娜刚刚发了推特 她吃的是阿司匹林 不是止疼药。
8. Huffpo has a link on their main page, and Dwight Garner just tweeted about it, saying that he’s halfway through and doesn’t hate it yet.
翻译:赫芬顿邮报把链接放在了他们的主页 Dwight Garner刚刚还微博转发了 他说他已经读了一半 目前还没嫌弃。
9. On Saturday i tweeted for this crate and hat, because i did not want to schlep them from the East Coast, and they showed up care of this dude, Chris, from Newport Beach, who says hello.
翻译:周六我发微博希望有人为我提供木板箱和帽子, 因为我不想把它们从东海岸带到这里, 最终来自纽波特比奇(Newport Beach)的Chris 为我提供了这两样道具,他也向大家问好。 。
10. i tweeted it. it’s trending.
翻译:我在推特上发了 扩散中。
11. He later he told me how overwhelmed he felt, and didn’t know what to do, so he took out his phone, like any one of us might, and snapped that picture and tweeted it out.
翻译:他后来告诉我,他感到非常悲痛, 不知如何是好, 于是他拿出手机, 就像我们所有人一样, 拍了照片,用推特传出去。 。
12. He’s been blogged and tweeted about and solicited by every national talk show.
翻译:看看他 他的事迹在网上被不停转发 全国的脱口秀节目都想请他。
13. i had just tweeted, “Pray for Egypt.
翻译:我刚发了一条推特, “为埃及祈祷, 。
14. Carlo Corelli tweeted a mere nine minutes ago,
翻译:Carlo Corelli九分钟前发了一条推。
15. Paris Hilton tweeted that she didn’t wear panties to court yesterday.
翻译:思珑穿吗 帕丽斯?希尔顿在微博上说。